Tell me why food, housing and healthcare shouldn't be free and available for everyone?

Tell me why food, housing and healthcare shouldn't be free and available for everyone?

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a self sufficient populous is a stronger society

I’m a king



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Protip: I literally can't

Because someone else would have to work for it, and the more you take away from him, the more lazy and less productive and innovative he becomes.

You mean populace, user. That's the noun. Populous is an adjective.

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Because the planet only has enough resources to support so many people. And most people are greedy fucks, who will abuse the system to get free shit.

And then they'll fucking breed, because they have no need to do anything else but fuck each other. And then suddenly we have too many fucking greedy idiots, and not enough resources for everyone. And so it immediately becomes a competition to get them again.

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It is free and available. If you can take it. Rules of nature faggot.

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Why do we need to be "stronger" at the cost of being alive and happy? We have enough housing and food for everyone. Make sure everyone is housed and fed, then worry about toxic bullshit

the problem is people who already have comfortable lives and needlessly aquire more than their fair share simply because they have the ability to take out loans from banks which loan them fractional reserves of made up money

We haven't socially evolved enough to make this reality yet, still too monkey. Niggers are actually the real woke, just literally go take what you want, who gives a shit. There may be kings at the top but it's slavery all the way down rn

Because that's the cost of being alive and happy. That's the whole deal.

Because having food, housing and healthcare requires work, you have to, w'all have to work to materialize this, to live. ¿No?

>Why do we need to be "stronger" at the cost of being alive and happy?
why does it need to be at the cost of happiness and life span?
>We have enough housing and food for everyone.
This was the thought process of The Projects
>Make sure everyone is housed and fed, then worry about toxic bullshit
We do?? the ONLY reason anyone in the US remains poor and starving
with the countless handouts from countless state and private charities is because they spend every cent they get on drug , liquor, and all other forms of hedonisms quite literally natural selection doing it's job. Look up how many of those charities poor are repeat/daily customers.

A. There is nothing free in the world
B. Everytime it was tried you either had to use slaves or you had to use slaves and the "free" was for a very small population.
C. People that work for "free" tend to be very uninterested in working, and it is very hard to make them be interested or even work. That is why working for free, generaly, was limited to the most basic activities.(and healthcare requires doctors)
D. "free" workers have a tendencie to not replace their own numbers fast enough, meaning the country that tries the "free" way of things, is in a permanent state of war or preping for for. And long time it is impossible to sustain.

It should be.

Only rightist greedbags disagree.
We know who owns them.

>Why do we need to be "stronger"
Because weak men create hard times. And we have some very weak and stupid men atm.

I don't know user. I don't know why everyone doesn't want to take care of each other. I think the system requires you to give up some of your soul to it in order to make money and survive, so certain people feel obligated to defend it like it's a part of them. I think most people hate themselves for this and by extension other people. I don't know. I feel like I see the way people talk recently about things like this and I cannot even recognize humanity, it's like watching machines interact.

Go grow a potato or build a shed. Then give it away to someone. You absorb all the cost of the seeds, fertilizer, lumber, nails, etc and all of your time. All gone. Even if you wanted to go that again, you get no compensation so you cannot buy more materials. These producers cannot produce more things out of thin air.

tl;dr you are an idiot who has only ever consumed

Because getting something while contributing nothing is what parasites do

You have never produced anything of worth so you have no idea how to asses the value of such things,

But the hard times are caused specifically by the systems you defend in the name of making strong men. It has nothing to do with weak men, it's about good times creating spoiled self serving conservatives who want more themselves and less for everyone else. Then the hard times created by those spoiled men are followed by men broken by their evil, who work to repair a communal and giving society, etc, etc.

kek i love the mental gymnastics of the left. keep trying to fuck kids and ban guns. you guys sure are the 'strong ones' today. im sure history will be kind to you all

Throughout History countless animals and people have reproduced and died to produce you. The constraint of scarcity produces creativity and suffering. That is the natural state of life. Without it there is no joy because there is no triumph. To be intelligent is to suffer sublimely. If you want comfort and safety at all costs you become dumb and complacent like cattle. Domesticated dumb but arguably happy in their ignorance.

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>Because getting something while contributing
I think this thought process plays into what this user was saying the people who hate the idea of giving and helping others view the system as something they are actively contributing to and a "part" of. They have essentially sacrificed enough of their humanity/individuality to the system that the idea of the system serving someone asking nothing in return is essentially suggesting he sold his soul for nothing. People have a commitment to greed on a soul level.

Keep crying about it. Trump lost. More accusations and confessions from the republicunts. Fuck yourself lowlife rightoid cocksucker coward.

Please listen to yourself user I beg you... I refuse to believe there's nothing left behind your programming.

>meanwhile republicans quietly pass child marriage legalization and gentle inspections

You've never built or repaired a single thing in your life. You only exist to spread the propaganda of your masters. They fed you the idea of communism because they knew it was an ultimately divisive position, that would never get any traction. As long as you're after that, the tenable concept of breaking up monopolies, higher wages, punishing outsourcing, punishing illegal labor, better hours, more vacation... are off the table for both sides to discuss and business goes on as usual. And that business is mainly looting us to the last dime, if you haven't already noticed.