Gas station sushi has me peeing out of my asshole. pain

gas station sushi has me peeing out of my asshole. pain.

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bro, at least step your game up to grocery store sushi. you're playing this too fast and loose

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try the taquitos

>gas station sushi
are you a genius?

I don't want to set foot on that place ever again

hungry and broke

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Why in the fuck would you think it was a good idea to buy it?

brain fart. you have probably had a few too.

Reminds me of a loaded up 7/11 hotdog. After a few ours it would come out looking exactly the same.


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a man's gotta eat

I ate some from Walmart and my ass was the only thing that ended up fast and loose

Sam's club has better food imo

in my grocery store they aktually make the sushi fresh the day you buy it. not as good as made by a master, but looking descently enough and the taste is just the same

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i bet it stings lol

Eat normal white bread to stop random shitfarts
Drink clean water and clean food like fried or fruits.
Avoid stuff that could feed bacteria like milk products, sugar and meat

Did you just mash 4 different websites into this random garbage?

Take opioids and you will have the opposite. I literally had to pull the poopoo out my bum.

Try looking at this image

until cur

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might wanna get checked out

Ate bad sushi at a buffet in 2008. Almost died , painful hallucinations and extreme nausea and pain. Would have been a rocket ship to hell for sure if I had died.

I did this. Next 8 hours were of me violently throwing up and shitting at the same until the crap was finally flushed. Worst experience ever. Made a bad judgement call regard how long a tray of sushi was left out of the fridge. Never happening again.

So... bread and water. Riiiiiggghhhhtttt...

Best of luck user.
I hope it was spicy, so you can at least enjoy an cleansed feeling with a decent area of effect.