Why do gamers hate GNU/Linux and Freedom?

Why do gamers hate GNU/Linux and Freedom?

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I don't, I play league of legends and battlefield on Ubuntu

Maybe most of Valve's catalog, which primarily consists of "three days in Unity" shit.
In the real world? 40% that work without critical problems - and barely half of that run as well as they do in Windows.

gamers like twitch streamer millionaire worship and MTX and giving megacorp 7000 dollars a month while installing kernel spyware onto their computers, meanwhile there hasn't been a game worth even installing since red dead 2 (and that one is a stretch)


Too short attention span to make games work on loonix.

yes. they should fuck off and stop polluting the penguin. if they have interest in linux, they can dual boot, but keep this gaymer garbage out of the kernel

Installing Linux saved me 1000s of hours that would've been wasted gaming

nobody is touching your kernel bro

they think free means pay to win.

"gamer" is the lowest tier self identity in the history of man kind, i would unuronically rather be seen as a homosexual sodomy loving trannyfaggot pedo rapist satanist antifa useful idiot cannon fodder libtard jew hater than be called a "gamer". i am okay with "gamers" hating freedom as they are not a valuable demo to include into your community.

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you can't

I don't, and I play FlightGear, Danger: Elite, and Kerbal Space Program

I don't, but my hardware does.
Software developpers do too.

I want my games to just werk
WINE was aids last time I tried it

Why are gnutards hostile towards people actually using Linux?

>Why do gamers hate GNU/Linux and Freedom?
They don’t. They just don’t care about it.
Also, how is GNU/Linux freedom if it severely limits the capabilities of my hardware?

>why people who play games dislike softwares that don't let you play games?

Because their entire lives are built around worshipping corporations and proprietary software/DRM.
In fact, most gaymers are rather unfamilar with open-source/source-available software, and they either do not understand how it could ever work, or they see some dirty commie shit because "hurrr how r dey supposed to maek monei".
t. gaymer


>Why do gamers hate GNU/Linux and Freedom?
don't hate it, Windows 7 is just better at playing my games (even the modern ones) + I don't have to configure them to run

Attached: mint.png (276x72, 7.26K)

You can.
I'll show it to you in a few seconds.

I hate capcom for not being able to get MHR to work on NVIDIA cards on linux.
I fucking have a 3000 series card, I expect to be treated as top priority
Someone save me onigai it's the last application keeping me on windows

Unironically this.

Linux is non-intuitive and has a stick up its own ass. Windows caters to me and isn't afraid to change things up to accommodate my brain.

ill hide this thread in like a minute cause im tired of watchimg that angry nerdy jew

this game owns but my riced terminal sucks for displaying its colors

If linux supported the same anticheats as windows I (gaymer) would make the switch instantly. And no, I won't dualboot.

They hate freedom because they're slaves.