How to interact with these people?

How to interact with these people?

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Just don't

you dont

Avoid them like the plague that they are.

not at all
stay safe

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With fire, bullets, clubs, bats, knives, golf clubs, or anything you can pick up and throw.

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i will laugh the day a chud tries to attack me irl and gets hospitalized. ^_^


Axe everything after the B, that's how you talk to them.
The rest are to be outcasted like the mentally ill fags they are.

If they keep saying "as an x person" where they replace x with a social label, just avoid them.
If they act like normal people, who talk about their hobbies and likes to have a good laugh, befriend them.

Chud here, given the chance I would kill a homosexual and sleep like a baby afterwards. You child molesting vermin don’t deserve to breathe.

Bring them a young boy

like i said, try in rl and get hospitalized ^_^

Why are you conflating pedos with gay people?
There are straight pedos too you know, all pedos need the rope, not just the gay ones.
The point though is that not all gay and straights are pedos, but all pedos need to be stopped.

You will never be a real woman. Go join the 41% like you're supposed to, instead of trying to rape kids.

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I'll shoot you! Back to luck!

All homosexuals are pedophiles: it’s how they reproduce.

I dare to ask: what does the I and A stand for?

how much does it piss you off that when repressing i was 10x the male you were, and still decided to embrace my femininity?


I dont.

Don't. They will infect you.

I'm bi user and I was never raped by a pedo when I was a kid, no trauma made me like this, I just started having crushes on both boys and girls.
You're simply just wrong.
Now if you wanna call out the politically addicted asshats who want to do drag queen story hour in order to groom kids, I'm right next to you waving pitchforks and torches.

LGB are normal people. After that I don’t have to deal with them as they don’t exist outside of the left big city

like ywnbaw

What's the matter keyboard warrior? Got too much testosterone? There's a way to fix that permanently with some rope.

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sorry the internet raised you.

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I blame society for this. Instead of solving the problem they put a ribbon on it.