Will there ever be a world where we can get away from ads? Are they a necessary evil or just a by product of humans?

Will there ever be a world where we can get away from ads? Are they a necessary evil or just a by product of humans?

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Figure out another way for people to get paid to put quality information on the internet without charging upfront for it.

I haven’t seen an ad in 10 years

>Are they a necessary evil
No retard.
websites make fractions of a penny per click
Instead of ads, we can just directly pay websites that penny per click. It would only add a dollar or two per month to your internet bill in the worst case.

>we can just directly pay websites that penny per click
how about we pay jackshit and stop supporting poor fuckers

>Will there ever be a world where we can get away from
Nice dogwhistle, chud. /qa/ lost.

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>Will there ever be a world where we can get away from ads?
Yes, without technology its possible

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if americans were not brainwashed to hate anything remotely no dystopic we could have a better internet (and world)

>we could have a better internet (and world)
>socialists can deliver better internet

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>anything that isn't a Mc Hell future is communist trash
proving my point eh

>you will consume
>you will eat the bugs
>you will not turn the ads off
>you will not own anything
>billionaires work a billion times more than a normal worker

/qa/ won

>non americans version of our country is literally communist propaganda

Serfs gonna serf I see

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Ublock + pihole

Instead of pihole, I just used the pfguard in pfsense. It seems to be working but I really wish there was a way to go after phone ads connected to my wifi.

Why would they settle for that, when they can take your penny on click, and then ALSO show you ads to get another penny from you?
And then split their content up into as many different pages as possible, so if you want to see more, you have to click again and give them another penny and see more ads.

>modern newsletter sites

Fucking hate that premium shit they got going. but it keeps me from ever visiting them again so its a win

I haven't seen an ad in years. Just don't live in a shit country.

Im talking ads in general, such as platforms without adblock or around you entirely.

Yeah, lets pay the telecomm companies more money, when the government already gave all of them billions for infrastructure, which they just used to buy each other up.

>I really wish there was a way to go after phone ads connected to my wifi
Isn't that what pfguard or any other DNS based adblock is for? On every other device (and probably even most smartphones now) you can run full fat ublock origin.

It does work to stop a lot of calling home stuff. But I still cannot block ads on say youtube's app (which is why I use Newpipe).