I'll help you get girls. My power level is shown below in the grand scheme of this skill. I'm also baked as fuck:

I'll help you get girls. My power level is shown below in the grand scheme of this skill. I'm also baked as fuck:


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Self bump

Texting skill is absolutely huge to get girls. If you don't know how to text properly, you're at a huge disadvantage.

Timing in texts is huge. Typically, try to only respond while keeping a longer time than her in between messages.

but shouldn't I want to respond quickly, to show I'm interested?

How do I get girls?

real fucking neato

just post more pic related OP

How does u know if they like u cus sometimes at old jobs and and I think they do but I don't wanna get reported for sexual harassment if I say they're cute


You can show your interest in other ways, for example teasing her with witty banter if she's smart.

How do you rate yourself on the scale above sir

You need to be 18 to post here pal

Aw damn, how does one become younger?

fag alert this dude is fucking trannies no doubt

I'm baked lol fuck off. Do you sissies want some advice or what.

>Second key idea:
Reframing the conversation so that she is coming after you sexually is huge.

Biological women only bud.

What's your rating level in my list above?

I'm a grandmaster, little guy.

>so that she is coming after you sexually
What does this mean? Rephrase conversation so she appears to by talking dirty?

I’m scared of women

Not always more than her
You kinda need to do both, otherwise some dumb sluts lose interest
Also: unless we're talking about whores, keep in mind that in reality not many girls have 20+ guys texting. Talking from experience.
Also also: you win some, you lose some. Some are outright not interested in you and no amount of skill will make them interested in you. Some 10/10s will chat with you almost immediately, some 7/10 will never even bother. Such is life

Quite the claim.

Hypothetical scenario:

You're going to an outdoor festival with friends and you're down to meet/makeout with some hot chicks there and maybe get laid after.

Also, there's a girl you've slept with on/off that wants to come with you and your friends. Do you think inviting her helps you or hurts you to achieve your goal above?

Other user here
You need to flirt and make sexual advances with her. Obviously without sounding awkward as fuck or a creep. You need to test your ground and see what you can say and what you cant yet. Memes are unironically good for this, also goofing around a little making innuendos.
Also literally the truth: be funny, make her laugh and you're halfway there.

So tease her a bit with some "accidental" innuendos and see if she bites back? Is that the idea? Seems simple enough to gauge her feelings that way

Example from today:

I'm currently renovating my house and I'm talking to a girl on Tinder. When this came up in conversation, she asked me to show her the renos (obviously wanting me to send her pics of the progress).
Since I clearly know she's asking for pics, I responded with "is that your way of asking to come over already Jess? Very smooth but a raincheck is needed ;)"
Since the pics request is so obvious, it's easy to reframe it to something outrageous, as it will be taken as teasing/joke

Hope this is clear

If she knows it's an on/off kinda random thing, then she can come
If she kinda expects more then she can throw a tantrum and I dont wanna deal with that shit
Really, it depends on the girl and the situation

Something like this

>OP here.

I agree with all of this, very good sir you are on the path.

Have you read any books on this subject

Is there a formal system to determine the ranks or are we guesstimating based on experience + success rate?


I agree.

It very much helps you get girls when you bring girls that are already into you. It's a delicate situation to manage, especially when getting hammered. But if it can be pulled off, you'll see how down other girls are for you.

Nope, it's all things I've experienced and adapted to while texting sluts on instagram

>Obviously without sounding awkward as fuck or a creep

No, this is my personal tier list.

Where do you think you rank on it?

What personality traits do you find attractive in women?


wtf is wrong with y'all

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