Ask a functional alcoholic anything

Ask a functional alcoholic anything

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If you ran out of money and had to suck someone's cock for a pint of gin, would you?

I wouldn't be a functional alcohic then. Next question.
>taking a shot for every question btw

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have you considered the fact that you could show up to work drunk, get fired for it, then file a wrongful termination suit based on the fact that most institutions classify alcoholism as a disease? could be big bucks there bro

how much do you drink a day

kinda banking on it, have an alkie lawyer friend

You may have gone broke for reasons other than alcoholism. Laid off from your job, house caught on fire, etc. What's the furthest you would go to get some booze?

He doesn’t strike me as a gin guy

the nearest liquor store or friends house

between 1 and 2 pints of Vodka
good call

You don't have money to buy it, and your friends don't want to feed your habit. Come on.. what's the most degrading thing you would do to get some booze?

I'd cuck your fat wife if you paid me, which is a bargain because I'd generally do that for free

Have you ever had your liver checked?
Seriously: 1 - 2 of vodka daily is not healthy and dying from liver disease is PAINFUL.
You're not going to enjoy money while dying

Go at least get an echo or blood test or something

You're no fun.

what can I say, I'm drunk and sassy right now

Why? I doubt you're interesting or have any good insights. You're just a drunk. A boring drunk.

If you constantly have to drink because you cant cope with Reality you are not functional.

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Now you're going to have to explain to me why YOU are here

it's not that I can't cope with reality, it's because I have a disease
h/t to I'm laying the foundation

think about it this way, addiction is a disease
you come to Any Forums every to fap to trap threads
I drink

To say that. Bye.

Peace out nigga, thanks for stopping by

what is an alcoholic