If it's free, then you're the product

If it's free, then you're the product.

Attached: 1659297390547.png (1200x1422, 297.09K)

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Freetards btfo
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that only applies to services though

Air is free. Does that make us products?

production rhel starts at 349$/year though

Air isn't free. It requires energy to breath.

Linux also requires energy to install.

Microcock Wintrannies BTFO
Applel Macniggers BTFO
BSDiaper babies BTFO
Jewgle fansisters BTFO

But not anymore energy than windows or Mac, so it's free.


So Windows and Mac are also free then?

I have solar, my energy is free

is sudo pamac -Syu not a service?
who pays for the bandwidth

Free as in freedom, not free as in beer.

>Free as in freedom, not free as in beer.
So it sucks?


Faggots like OP will never understand that.


Attached: 1652562849138.jpg (374x334, 32.14K)

Many arch repos are hosted by universities and volunteers. There's at least 77 .edu domains on their repo page
I sync my system with a mirror from some state university, so I'm guessing the government pays for my bandwidth

>If it's free, then you're the product.
in the free software/open source world this rule applies the other way around, so not the users, but the developers are the product
the free and open source developer community is my personal operating system creator and i contribute NOTHING to them, and i bet those fucking loser open sores freetards even enjoy doing the hard work for me and they get absolutely nothing, HAHAHAHAHA

Most are sponsored by hosting services, some are at universities or research facilities, and a minority are run for volunteers.