How is this a man

How is this a man

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Her feets too big.
- Fats Waller.

Does it have a penis?

It's a male, but not a man.

cuz gendies aint real
sex is
look it up

Take away cat ears and the dress you have a broad shouldered man with make up.

no but he has man hands
and man arms
and a man face
and man feet

If sex is real how come I've never had it?
Checkmate, leftards.

Attached: 1654434556092.jpg (1024x792, 187.18K)

Is that the swimming tranny? Lol.

You’re right. We’ve never seen his penis

clearly a man
- can't clean room
- can't clean mirror
- doesn't give a fuck

Anybody got the clip when some donator called him an ugly woman without makeup and had an existential look of despair and had to take a swig of alcohol to cope?

you're promoting mental illness

there are men (dicks and balls), women (pussies) and some medical fuckups.
L, B, G are sexual preferences, just like liking asians or niggers.
T, Q and all the other letters are mental illnesses

Has anyone got deepfakes?
vids preferred

I guess because he identifies as a man? Pretty easy to follow. It’s ok if you get turned in by him and want to fuck him. Don’t be an uptight fascist or something. Be normal.

Those big man hands

I get the same feeling of looking at maggots when I see people like this who think their fooling anyone with camera angles.

Oh it's that fucking retarded british tranny from twitch

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That is one mentally-ill dude

Cause he's built like a man,duh?
Just look at these hands

She/he could use some Windex on that mirror.

Attached: Windex.jpg (536x536, 36.3K)