What's it like dating a rich girl?

What's it like dating a rich girl?

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She’s not that hot and you literally have nothing to do but improve which when combined with the newfound confidence of being your gfs absolute single only desire in the world will constantly get you way more attention than you ever had before. And you know you can’t cheat. Because if you do, she’ll be able to smell it when your cock doesn’t smell like her pussy anymore.

>She’s not that hot
well that's disappointing

Her Dad has a yacht, her job pays more than mine, she has higher standards for stuff we buy, but is good with money management. She's also smarter than average since she wasn't raised like a trust fund child.

Porn unrelated

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>her job pays more than mine
how common is this trait among them?

Lol I would assume most. Her Dad used to be a multi millionaire before the recession and his divorce, plus went ivy league, so not even that flush anymore. She was going to go to Harvard or Dartmouth before she dropped out doing 2 years of community college. Connections and education for your kids is very much a standard thing in upper class households

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let me rephrase that; how common is it for them to be ok with you making less? most normal girls seem to fucking hate it.

Also to add on, if you're wondering about dating one as a poor guy; when we started seeing each other in high school, her dad dropped her off in a Bentley, and I picked her up in a 95 Ford pickup and my family lives in a trailer park

I would say probably not considering how vapid rich people are in general to deal with, plus maybe a tinge of taboo, plus why would they care, they always have their family or if not, have a skilled job that's kinda manly, why would she complain.

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Simply put
Lawyer chick and fit Electrical Lineman dude might work
Twig/obese/fat janitor and Doctor chick probably not

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Anything else OP?

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how attractive are they usually when compared to other girls? also wtf is that image, why if you have a girl?

It obviously depends dude. Idk. Probably no where to find that particular statistic. Mines good looking, they're usually slim I'm guessing because of affording expensive healthy food and active rich fuck sports and such. Also stop being underage. I'm married and porn isn't fucking cheating? Neither is it when you're just dating; grow up dude

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>Also stop being underage. I'm married and porn isn't fucking cheating? Neither is it when you're just dating; grow up dude
I never said it was. It's just most women hate loli and other degenerate shit, your wife ok with you having pics of women putting their fingers up guys asses?

I married a chick who was rich by the standards of the country she was from. She was spoiled, entitled, incredibly high-maintenance, impossible to please.

>"I'm bored. You never take me anywhere."
>Take her to a bar, club, fancy restaurant or whatever
>"I don't like this place, we should've stayed home"

She would complain that American food was unhealthy and gross. So, I would bring her to a natural/organic grocery store.
>"Everything here is too expensive. We should just go to Kroger"
She was bizarrely frugal and would buy the cheapest bullshit food. Like Wonder bread and Chips Ahoy and shit.

She was hot, but it wasn't worth the bullshit.
I'm just glad we didn't have children and she didn't try to ruin my life in the divorce. Bitches be crazy.

what country?


She's had her fingers up my ass, vice versa, and I won't elaborate much further. We're in a sexually healthy relationship and not like overtly bdsm lifestyle weirdos or into cuckholding lol.

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Their ancestors are Guniea pigs to survive. They were not an intelligent people

well at least it's not eating ass
anyways, besides the rich side of town, what's a good way to put yourself in a position to meet one? I've heard attending charities they attend can be one way.

Tourist towns. I'm from one. Also chicks know other chicks and rich chicks can hang out with poor chicks, depends on their attitude obv but good luck dating one if she won't chill with less well off female friends

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>but good luck dating one if she won't chill with less well off female friends
good point
how do I make sure to avoid the slutty rich chick that has several flings?

Try to find a non single child chuck that spends time with family and is slight alt or into nerdy stuff and wants a family. Best advice I got

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