Simple fucking question. Why can't you answer it?

Simple fucking question. Why can't you answer it?

Attached: WhatIsAWoman.jpg (400x400, 14.51K)

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Why can't you read the answer which is posted every 5 minutes
Fuck off fag

A woman is a human that has a vagina

Simple as.

A woman is someone who wants to be known as a woman.

Human with a pussy.

You will never be a real woman.

This is the only answer you need OP


> walk up to human who, like 99.9% of humans, has no genital deformity
> try to put dick inside it
> oops, this human was a man
> try again
> okay, great, my dick has went inside a vagina
> oh, and uh, I'm now a father
> other human births child


You wasted more time typing that than answering the question. Sounds like you don't actually know. Go woke go broke, FAGGOT.


Somebody born with a vagina

can i be known as handsome and sophisticated?

I wonder what its going to be like in 10 years when we look back to the 2020s and talk about how people suddenly just didnt know what a woman was

This user is right.

Below explains in more detail.

Sex is a collection of various attributes determined moments after conception. Your chromosomes, sex organs, hormones, etc are seen together and you're placed into a sex based on what they are. But you can be born with female sex organs and male chromosomes and vice versa, without knowing at all, until you get a blood test. Because these various attributes that contribute to sex are only largely correlated, not intrinsically tied to each other. This is why biologists say sex is bimodal, not binary.

Gender is also correlated to sex, but not intrinsically linked. Gender is a collection of social attributes, like sex is physical/genetic attributes. Gender includes what clothes you wear, what professions you do, how you style your hair, your intonation when you speak, etc. In the past, certain collections of clothes, professions, hairstyles, intonations, etc were seen as female, and certain were seen as male. Therefore, you could say a woman is anyone who dresses like this, just like you could say, a female is anyone with a vagina. You can't do that anymore because the gender roles for both men and women have expanded so much that they include all social roles for all humans. Men can present masculine (chads) or feminine (femboys) and same with women. Therefore, since there is no social distinction between man attributes and woman attributes, all that differentiates them is identification.

We can't say a woman is anyone who wears a skirt, just like we can't say a female is anyone with a vagina. Because women can wear pants and people with vaginas can have xy chromosomes. All that seperates the genders now is identification.

Therefore, a man is anyone who identifies as one, and a woman is anyone who identifies as one.

to be cont.

>Why am I so obsessed with transgenders?
simple question you WON'T answer it


Being a trans woman, doesn't change your sex, just your gender... which is just your social role... similar to a profession. You can change certain attributes of your sex, like sex organs, to align more with the sex that's more correlated with your gender, but you can't change your whole sex, you can't change chromosomes. No one says trans people are changing chromosomes, no one says trans people are changing sex. They are fully in line with scientific consensus and conservatives who say trans people reject biology don't know what they're talking about. Read any study published by any reputed scientific, medical, biological, psychiatric or psychological institution or professional in the last two decades.

Everyone knows what a woman is. Conservatives are just too attached to their outdated childhood education and want to hold the rest of society back.

> to be cont.
That's the only part I read. Why can everyone but you answer this question in one sentence or even just two letters?


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>Why can everyone but you answer this question in one sentence
This user did answer in one sentence
>or even just two letters?
That would be a false answer. Because chromosomes don't factor into gender, only sex.

>That's the only part I read
That explains why you're so confused.

>Conservatives are just too attached to their outdated childhood education

Biology is outdated? You had the gall to post that when all of these new mentally ill definitions come from sociology books.
Protip: Sociologists are not real scientists.

The only issues is that I can shove my dick inside ellen page and get her pregnant but it would still feel gay

Unlike you, I'm happy to answer questions.

Why is all the hate directed towards just trans people? What happened to the LGB, right? I'll tell you! The first three made a simple argument: Who I fuck is none of your business, so mind your own business. LGB just wants to be left their privacy, and as a human, I understand and desire that as well.

Then Trannies came along and started making all these fucking requests. They don't want you to stay out of their business. They want you to change the definitions of words. Fuck men if you're hetero man or fuck women if you're homo man. Chemically castrate kids and raise their suicide rate. LGB just wants to be left alone, and don't we all? Trannies want way more.

>people with vaginas can have xy chromosomes
those are abnormalities. I can safely say that human beings have 10 fingers and 2 eyes capable of binocular vision because thats what the majority of humans have. Just because some people might be born blind or with less than ten fingers doesnt mean that all of a sudden the amount of fingers humans have or whether they have functioning eyes is up in the air. I can safely say humans present in two sexes and can point to distinct differences between the two, like all other mammals

>gender not sex
Then why do you need to go through the retarded surgeries instead of just being a feminine crossdresser?

You can't just thrust these issues into the sphere of public debate and then turn around and say "Ah why do you have an opinion?!"

Someone who was born with XX chromosomes.

Mental and physical characteristics of an average female (e.g. long hair, small chin/jaw, below 5'6", boobs, high pitched voice, more interested in nurture than competition,

Someone who usually was born with XX chromosomes (but it's not required) and who displays most of the feminine mental and physical characteristics

>That would be a false answer. Because chromosomes don't factor into gender, only sex.

Words have gender. Humans have sex.

>Biology is outdated?
Outdated biology is outdated. The flat earth theory is outdated. Does that mean astronomy/geology/geography are outdated? No. It's just your misconceptions that are outdated. Biologists all support the modern up-to-date understanding I explained.

> come from sociology books.
No they come from all the relevant scientific fields.

>Sociologists are not real scientists.
They're more real scientists than you user. And they are tangential at best to trans research, which is more in the field of biology, medicine, psychology and psychiatry.

If you had a problem with any science, you should be able to express that problem, without just name dropping some random group of people you distrust. Explain your problems with the field, don't just state you have problems with it.

because you never ask in good faith and never listen to the answer

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have you considered killing yourself?
you have? well next time go through with it


depends whos asking

> The flat earth theory is outdated.
You mean the one that only uninformed commoners believed in when historically professionals knew the earth is round?

> They're more real scientists than you user. And they are tangential at best to trans research, which is more in the field of biology, medicine, psychology and psychiatry.

And psychics are experts in predicting your entire future based on dead stars. Ad verecundiam.

This and based

Also trans leach off lgb

>Facts depend on my subjective experience.