be me

> be me
> have older brother(2 years)
> Spent his whole life hating me
> Calls me fag, idiot, retard
> Shits on me to girls, friends at parties.
> I smoke weed. Vidya. Read.
> He drinks. Drives. Dreams.

> Be 12 years ago.
> He has drinking accident.
> Paralyzed.
> Brain damage
> Parents in 60s become caregivers
> I move away, settle down and have kids.
> Brother shits on my wife. Shits on me constantly to the point I finally had enough.

Bros, I ceased all communication with my brother, with 0 intent of ever having any more in the future. Going on 3 months now.
He texts me - I delete. He calls - I ignore.
My wife thinks I'm going to regret it, but there's a point where you realize you're better off without your shitty family dragging you back under.

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Double dubs checked.

You are correct with your choice. I haven't spoken to my brother voluntarily for about 12 years. I do not regret a single day of it. Both of parents understand and respect my decision.

it's true, we all have people like this in our families who are toxic pricks, narcissists, and douchebags
they offer nothing, only take and sabotage
unfortunately for me that was my own mother

>not shitting on him for being crippled

Unless you hate your parents too, you might want to check with them to see what they think. It's not easy being old and taking care of self. The added burden of a shitty paralyzed kid might be a real challenge for them.

My feelings are - he got himself there and it's not their job to be his nurse. If it were my choice I'd had put him in a home, or a pillow over his head.

I don't think my parents will think less of me for it. I've worked hard for where I am, and they've seen the results of me trying to deal with him. Better to have one happy son, than two unhappy.

That sucks user. My mother was the hardest to get through my feelings, but she eventually accepted it because it was better than carrying the problem onto her and I.

made me kek and also words of truth

Pretty sure God shit on him enough. I can take the high road enough, and not...although I did kek at this too.

nah, that makes you just as bad as him, he sounds like a narcissist and he wants to bring out the worst in you, so he can point and shit on you more, if you do that you're just playing his game and doing exactly what he wants
just dont play

Thing is he's not bringing out the worst. Trying to maintain a relationship with someone who never wanted one is what brought out my worst. Believing I should try and build a relationship because hes crippled made it even worse.

Guy is paralyzed with brain damage, and you shit yourself over some shit-talk? Who else can you rely on if not your brother?
Learn what's what, show yourself the better man and let him talk
Why is everyone so petty?

Not exactly "shitting myself", but it's just the same talk as before his accident. To be the same as before, except using his current state to drive home the character he always has been.

Can totally relate

>have two half brothers, we share a mother I’m the youngest, half brothers live with their dad I lived with my mom
>constant stories from my half brothers like accusing my grandparents of molestation, my uncle of molestation, accused my dad of putting a gun to their head, my mom fakes her cancer when she actually WAS diagnosed with third stage ovarian cancer, just crazy story after crazy story…no police reports, just shit talking and social media talk that goes on for years
>the few times I saw them over thanksgiving or Christmas they tel me to not trust my mom that she doesn’t really love me etc…
>obviously just jealous of me for living with their mom
>blame me for the breakup of their parents
>ok whatever dude
>watch as middle brother gets his first unplanned pregnancy at the ripe age of 18…baby momma dumps his ass and moves to Portland
>comes around to my mother and begs for money, even begged me for money… I gave him $500 bucks which is all my 16 year old self has
>middle brother takes the cash goes up to Portland, then returns back less than a week later
>gives this story about how he got into a fight with the baby mommas boyfriend and how cops got involved and he’s scared to go to jail
>so he decides to never see his daughter again and just leave her in Portland.
>never paid me back or offered too
>fast forward five years

> Who else can you rely on if not your brother


>middle brother has second unplanned pregnancy
>it’s with this fat entitled bitch who had another kid from another relationship
>guess who’s coming around now to beg for money…..yup the middle brother who told Kenny mom doesn’t love me is now begging her for help
>I decide to join the military
>literally TWO WEEKS before I ship out to basic brother calls me on the phone
>he says the police are after him. Baby momma accuses him of kidnapping his own son.
>his solution is to drive to my mothers house with the police looking for him
>asks me to ride with him to be a witness
>eventually he has to give his child back to the baby momma
>he asks my mother to call child protective services for him
>I try to tell my mom this is a bad idea. I figured he was just using as a shield. She didn’t listen
>CPS is now doing an investigation
>goes to court
>I’m called to testify literally one fucking week before I go to basic
>the night before court my brother calls me
>literally begs me to LIE for him in court and sell my mother up river
>I tell him no way. I tell the truth when it’s my time to testify
>CPS finds no wrong doing and my brother sides with the baby mamma and acts like he had nothing to do with it
>watch my mother lose any relationship with her grandchildren and now he acts like even more a duck with a chip on his shoulder
>a few years later I find out he lied to his stepson saying HE was the boys father…
>this fucking guy

I’ve called him out to a jiu-jitsu but he never shows. My oldest brother is a basket case too. It’s like people don’t realize that their sense of entitlement doesn’t match reality…

God damn user
I return to this b.s. Literally, anyone else.

*called him out to fight at a jiu jistsu gym.

Please forgive my typos the rage distracts me lol

Fuck people because they are “family”. My dad is an asshole & I have not talked to him in 15 years. He will never meet his grandchildren

The point is people aren't perfect or or good or nice, they don't have to be. What you describe is typical big brother bullying banter, obviously he's a sad loser who doesn't know how to cope. Things don't bother you unless you let them, you actually have a life, so why does thrashtalking matter when it's obviously all he's got?

Nah man I liked it better the other way, just straight no holds barred jiu jitsu battle.

make fun of him for being a cripple to the point where he attacks you and then punch that mf in the face

I'm not trashtalking, but they don't make. Fuck family anonymous, so here I am. Kek

you'll regret it OP give it some time and reconnect people on here are bitter and lonely and will tell you that you've made the right decision but at the end of the day you can have nothing and still have your family. If your parents passed away and your brother had nobody, and took his own life, would you feel no regret then? You share blood

Nah he tried to fight me one day, or atleast, he tried to make me swing at him and I couldn't do it.

Go cry yourself a river somewhere else

Your parents must love you