Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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Get back to Any Forums, fag.

>unironically supporting wh*te "people"

In Alabama "white pride" means you're poor, uneducated, unemployed, and usually a dopehead and a thief.
It's used as an excuse to justify lazy white trash being on welfare.

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I'm not white, I'm Italian.
Italians have a real heritage and history, why would I erase my heritage calling myself something as lame as "white"?
Only people who ever called themselves "white" are a bunch of mixed-europeans (mix of German, Irish, English, French, Spanish, etc) who had a kink for abusing brown people. What a lame fucking white heritage to just be a bully

Because "white pride" crowd are pseudo neo-nazies and most of the time not even white
>people who ever called themselves "white" are a bunch of mixed-europeans (mix of German, Irish, English, French, Spanish, etc)
Only pure blooded scandinavians are actually white.

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No one is "white".
"White" is an invention by racist cucks with no clear heritage so they can abuse brown people to feel they are better than someone else.
Imagine throwing away 2000 years of history just to bully nigs

The "white" identity started to erase german heritage. The germans were the biggest minority in the states, close to passing the anglos for a majority. They had entire schools and municipal governments in german and were seen as equals to the anglos because they were protestant unlike all you 2nd class catholics. Then ww1 happened and the german menace was a very real problem, the anglos wanted to repeal the constitutional right to vote for germans but it would risk a civil war that would kick the WASPs out of power The only way to do it was to rally all the inferior catholic europeans under the "white" identity. They tricked you all to think you'd be equal but we all know that there's a hierarchy. Now the niggers are trying to do the same thing with the latinos and asians with the "person of color" identity.

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>2000 years of history
Christcuck spotted

Racial pride is for niggers since they have nothing else to be proud of.

Christianity is the cornerstone of western civilization, the civilization that circumnavigated the globe, cured smallpox & polio, put a man on the moon, robots on Mars, and sent probes outside of the solar system. Are you some kind of fedora fag or disgruntled Muslim?

WDYM user?

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kill yourself


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what I really don't get about racism is...

there's so many legitimate reasons to hate someone you've never met, why go clinging to nonsensical ones?

Not all white people are retarded like you. You fuckin ignorant half brained stupid faggot.

hell yeah, i'ma go worship the egyptian gods

It's just a distinction. There's mutts, blacks, sandpeople, asian etc. Scandinavians are whites. For example
She's pure blooded scandinavian i.e white. I know her, we went to same school.

Sure, go for the egyptians, hindus, norse, buddhist, whatever. They're all better than the abrahamic kike cancer. It gave us the dark ages and is doing the same for the hurka durkas