All dog and dog owners deserve a fucking shotgun to the teeth

All dog and dog owners deserve a fucking shotgun to the teeth

>forced alarm clock you never asked for
>dogs barking out your window
>dogs barking every time you walk outside
>dangerous fucking mutts getting loose

I want every dog to drop dead and their owner to suffer in hell forever

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dogs are reddit

imagine being so filled with bitterness that you channel that anger toward one of the most affectionate and trusting species on the planet

XDDDDDD I'm miserable so I want the world to be miserable around me XDDDDD

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Only mutts ans chihuahuas so this user but I fully support the idea of pit bull eradication

I would smash a dogs fucking snout off its face with a baseball bat

I can understand feeling that way about humans but I've never had a dog, say, try to take advantage of me, or insult me, or threaten me physically (bc I'm not a fucking pussy).

depends where he lives it could boil frustration into anger over a long time.
some dog owners just let their shits bark for hours and if you hear it the entire time, you'll get very angry from bad sleep very quickly. happened to me when i had 2 jobs and lived right next to a kindergarten. during winter days the kids would scream loud as fuck and during summer cicadas joined in so it was fucking awful

I mean sure but that's more of a "humans being shitty again" issue and less a "dogs are shitty" issue

like, those dogs wouldn't be stuck there in horrible isolation with no outlet other than barking without human intervention in the first place

it's like, don't shoot the messenger, man

Kids do all of that and I don't see you complaining. They're way worse than dogs.

You've been posting this for weeks coward do something about it you sissy little faggot excuse for a man if you were in my face I'd knock you out for being such a wormy cocksucker quit your little whining on Any Forums loser and do something a out your problem

I've seriously considered shooting next door's dog several times, at several different addresses. I can't fucking stand barking, aggressive, idiotic dogs. If they just lie around and chill out, that's fine but when they start affecting me, they can fuck right off.

Attached: 2 dogs.jpg (500x375, 40.25K)

I laugh when kids die

Start leaving meat with anti freeze around. The shitty owners will let their dog loose eventually.

you type like a fag
but like dont shoot the messenger man

the only kind of dog i hate are the one that have been intentionally inbred to be small and 'cute'

i dont care how many times you say its cute, if a dog is shorter than my fucking shin its an inbred freak that we made to basically play god and should be removed from the gene pool

not to mention most tiny dogs like chihuahuas are born with the dog version down syndrome due to their tiny brains (im serious look it up) not to mention defects specific to the breed like pugs not being able to breath

I did sort of try to poison it once. But it was too hard because of the way the properties are.
I didn't feel bad about the fucking dog though. Can't stand the fucking thing.

i'm sure he likes you too.

Shouldn't have driven high, nigger

I love finding poop on the ground. It's like hey, there's some poop there in case anyone needs it.

but I have the edge because I have the power to end it