Shota thread

shota thread
last one hit image limit

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horny shotabros

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I wonder what it tastes likeā€¦

It's 4 pm, user.
Time for your walk in the park.

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tastes and smells like
his soft puffy balls and sweaty taint right up rubbing against your face as he squirms

Why must y'all pretend to just like cartoons?

Attached: MV5BMTMzOTI2MDk4NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzEwMzQ1Nw@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1686,1000_AL_.jpg (1686x1000, 167.08K)

You are a scholar and a gentleman for starting a new thread. Unless you're female, but thanks anyway.

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who does that tho

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>a screenshot from moonrise kingdom
straight movie but its cute kino
love the 60s aesthetic

Attached: 4803128 - MagnumImpulse Riley_Freeman The_Boondocks.png (1031x797, 365.32K)

Boy scouts are literal gay camps with cute boys in short shorts, no girls allowed.