Is it normal for a straight adult male to find girls around 12+ attractive?

Is it normal for a straight adult male to find girls around 12+ attractive?

Attached: Why Pls.jpg (1057x1053, 272.19K)

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>adult male in his 50s
>finds 12yo attractive

this is the complete opposite of normal, a form of mental illness, and no I do not find 12yo attractive, you would have to be fucked in the head to do so otherwise

How old are you?

Nature’s law is puberty…

I'm not a professional, but as a random schmuck, I would say absolutely not. I would suggest getting some form of counseling or assistance to help you find a more healthy, productive outlet for the built-up issues that you currently have.

Some 12 year old girls look physically mature and attractive but most don't, I believe.

Yes it's normal. People who say it's no are highly suspect. Most are probably lying.

There are several studies. and people are just choosing to be ignorant by not googling any. One google search shows at least three studies.

here's one involving just males. Yes it's normal

it is NOT socially accepted in todays society though, so you should seek some help, or therapy for it.

You have been programmed to find women around that age attractive, there is a simple truth to know, and everyone who disagree with that is a teenager mentaly retarded clueless about the world he lives in:

If she bleed, she can breed, known from 10 000 years for 99% of humanity across the whole world in 99% of civilisation.

Now you have to ask yourself, who is right? the people who support a society where divorse rate is more than 50%, or people who was able to have stable family?

Yes, we are hard-wired to select for fecundity in choosing long-term mating partners. Our biology has adapted such that a woman is most attractive when she is physically capable of giving birth to and feeding an infant. Men constantly produce new sperm, even into old age. Women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have. Younger, fresher eggs make healthier offspring.

Attraction isn't a problem.
It's what you do with it.

also... it's really only a problem if you exclusively find only 12 year olds attractive.
Not if you simply find a few 12 year olds cute.

The acknowledgment that it isn't acceptable is rare here, but should be a form of peer recommendation that isn't socially acceptable even amongst the degenerates that congregate here. Despite any physical maturities that may be present, on a moral level, to find those within such an immature category appealing in any aspect shows a level of depravity that prey or rely upon those without the knowledge or experience to counter such action, in which case include those under age of consent.


The concepts of mental and emotional maturity are social constructions.

The idea of a social construct is a social construct.

That is correct, and does not in any way contradict what I had said.

yes. it's called biology.
If you do not find young woman attractive you might have an issue.
young woman are designed to be attractive.
That's their purpose in life.
Being attractive, attracting a chad male mate.
many healthy kids.
that's it.
the meaning of life.
that is our purpose.
producing offspring.

Attached: kgb.jpg (480x360, 22.05K)


life is pretty simple.

An eternal struggle to conquer the vaginas of young woman.
That's it pretty much.

Its perfectly normal. Acting on it, however, shows a dangerous lack of self-control. Age of conscent laws have nothing to do with physical maturity, its all about mental maturity and it is of the opinions of the people who set the moral standards of the western world that an adult seeking sex with someone generally under the age of 14-18 depending on the state/countrt is effectively taking advantage of that person do to the nature of power structure. Thats why hebophillia and pedophillia and stigmitized, not because you find them attractive, thats just being a healthy adult male, but because you want to act on these attractions, that makes you a predator.

14 *maybe*, but 15+ I can see.

Yes, perfectly normal. Only NPCs say otherwise.

Its natural at the very least. Age 12 or so is peak fertility range for a reason.
As for normal that can be argued to be the opinion of the majority. An ever changing thing thing that wont always reflect what is natural or even sensible.
Neither that which is natural or normal are things to adhere to dogmatically.
Think for yourself and make your own thoughts accordingly.