Come out of the store with a cart full of groceries, see this, what do?

Come out of the store with a cart full of groceries, see this, what do?

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what ya gonna do any how white boi? perhaps u crave my bbc cock

Buy an electric car and stop being a kuck.

Either fire up the engine and needlessly idle to power an air compressor and inflate the tire back up, or, if I were feeling really decadent, call a tow truck, causing even more pollution.
No one ever accused lefties of being very bright.

Finally snap and grab my AR-15 from the trunk and go on a rampage murdering every leftist freak I find.

r/FuckCars is leaking again.

reported user for breaking US law, enjoy ur ban

Pretty good method to get shot if you ask me

>No one ever accused lefties of being very bright.

It would actually be MORE effective to distribute leaflets advising vehicle owners with tips for how to get better gas mileage. Hell, talk to the store owner and ask if you can set up a solar powered tire inflation station so that volunteers can offer to check people's tire pressures and inflate as needed while they shop.

Congratulations fuckwit, you are the problem.

Attached: car tyres.jpg (401x651, 107.6K)

grab my spare pop it on and drive off.

Imagine what it would be like not having a spare tire, jack and tools in your car for just such occasions then realize this is your reality now.

its one thing white people are good at, bitching at every little thing that goes wrong in their miserable lives because they can't do anything right to begin with and go on Any Forums thinking they can get some form of attention, the little at the least to make them feel better, fuck white people, sage , no captcha required

>electric cars are way heavier than equivalent internal combustion cars and need massive tires which are going to wear even quicker
oh no no no

Cool fucking story bro and a complete waste of Fuhrer dubs. White people invented the bulk of our modern world. Not all of them of course but the majority of modern tech was developed by white people.

In b4 jews try to take more credit than they deserve.

Attached: whites western.jpg (1079x607, 163.2K)

kek, 5,000+ pound Teslas and Porsche Taycans.

Laugh at the fatass SUV driver and keep walking


Contact police and file a complaint, then bust out the bike pump from my trunk. Takes a min but works in a pinch. Forces me to work out. Police check cameras at the store and work on tracking person down. They get a fat fine for being a public nuscence, or vandalism in excess of $500 if my rim is damaged, per tire they fuck with. Collect my fat check from the fucker, get the rims repairs for 100 a pop, and buy that new samsung oled ive had my eye on

Obviously its just a mental health issue. He just needs to spend 3 days at a psych hospital and he will be all better

>White people invented the bulk of our modern world.

what have you invented that helped mankind progress lately? I'm guessing absolutely fucking nothing u useless twat waffle

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And guess how often those batteries gotta be swapped? Just tons of waste right there.