Is VIM worth to learn?

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vi is worth learning. If you know vi, not only will you be able to use vim, but you'll also be able to use vi modes in all other programs.
vi is nice since it's a visual editor yet still retains much of ed's scripting power.

If you like Unix, learn vi.
If you're on a non-Unix OS, it's not as important.


if you want to be a sysadmin yeah

only if you have no other hobbies than posting 24/7 about text editors on Any Forums

I like emacs more because I'm an alien and the keybindings feel great once you learn them. Also emacs has org mode. Overall though, you can get by doing fast edits in a terminal with literally whatever you like the most. For me that's emacs over nano, but nano is perfectly fine. Even better if you're doing something extremely fast but too complicated to write out in sed in the same time.

not really, no

Learn how to exit it at least

What planet are you from?

all you need is basic vi. You learn that in 10 min.
VIM is meme.

This. I actually prefer emacs, but vi will be on nearly any Linux machine you access.

Whether you're doing development, systems work, devops, or security, you're likely to be SSHing into Linux boxes that you didn't set up. You may not have permissions to install other editors. Even if you do, only a colossal asshole installs something else just to edit a few files.

spend 15 mins on vimtutor
All u need brainlet

idk but i enjoy using it. do vimtutor then read the :help

there all saying no because you should the vim African kid

Does takes like 10 min and is handy when editing on some remote server but not really important.

What you can't spend 5 minutes doing the tutorial?

I'm more of a nano kinda guy

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>Is VIM worth to learn?
depends, I am a web shitter and I don't care about vi/vim/nvim.
just use vscode/codium/code - oss
