Should I cheat on my wife with the babysitter?

Should I cheat on my wife with the babysitter?

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Lemme guess she's persian

At least post a new photo

Don't be degenerate.

Take babysitter as second wife.

Sure. Thoughts?

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I totally would. But not sure how to go about that.

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Looks like she can suck a dick really well

She is a health coach on her free time

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Worked out good for Biden...

Teenage pussy juice is the most powerfull drug on the planet...


I would love to taste her teenage pussy juice

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that isn't a compliment by the way, she straight up looks like the mask

Is she hotter than your wife?

post nudes of both for honest opinion

Fucking kek thank you

Yes i’d say so

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If you're asking, then yes. Hopefully your wife finds out and can leave you before you hurt her more

Let’s see wife, wearing same effort makeup

It's up to you if you want to take the risk or feel the guilt. It's easy to just get balls deep in another bitch, but if you're the kind of guy that feels bad for stepping on a spider or some other miniscule shit; then don't do it.

Also; people can be crazy. Example. Maybe she gets attached, but you obviously just want her poon for a bit. She can leverage that kind of shit on you. Especially since she knows where you live obviously kek.

Weigh the risks. Make a call. Up too you dude

If she feels bad and tells your wife have fun with the murder suicide

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lol youre spoilt for choices

I would probably raise her pay, and she needs the money lol

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Is that a good or a bad thing

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