Does quitting smoking make you feel happier? Considering quitting smoking

Does quitting smoking make you feel happier? Considering quitting smoking

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Not straight away but it does in the long run

yes cigarettes are the #1 cause of depression

it gives u a chance to be happier

2 packs unfiltered for 15 years, quit and never felt better. Switched to Skoal for a bit then tapered to Zyn then quit. Haven't smoked in 5 years.

It will make you happIER, but it isn't a single answer to being happy. Quitting smoking will leave you feeling better and with more money so, yes, of course you'll be happier just because of those two, but important, aspects of life. You'll have to make other changes or continue down certain paths to be fully fulfilled and happy. Quitting smoking is a good first step

no, but the money saved will.
quitting smoking will help you realize how fucked your lungs have been.
I quit after 22 years, best thing I did.

Yeah, after about 5 years.

Happier? No. Better stamina tho.
Not that hard to quit either, but that feel when you drink your morning coffee or after a big meal - 8 years later I still think of that glorious cancer stick at those moments.

I don't know I have never successfully quit yet

OP here. I want to quit smoking, and I usually use cigarettes to calm down stress and anxiety. Without cigarettes i wouldnt have something to calm me down with. And thats my problem. I need something that I know will calm me down if im stressed out

thats a bullshit excuse.
I should know, I used the same one for like 10 years.

do it, it'll make a lot of things easier/better

I quit 10 years ago. Cravings ended after I finally stopped going to people's houses that smoked inside about 2 years in, so cravings for 2 years of that ten.

My health is marginally better, but I was young when I quit. However, I used cigarettes and coffee to force myself to work massive hours and to control my hedonistic urges (tobacco is a hypnotic, so I'd smoke while meditating).

I have lost so much self control since quitting smoking and so much focus. It's impacted my career negatively big time but I don't know how to fix things without being a bad example to my family.. shit's rough

you cum a LOT more. it's weird, but be prepared for it.

Just up the caffeine.

Smoked for 20 years. Don't mess with nicotine replacement, just face it cold turkey. Cravings go down within a week, your sense of smell comes back as a superpower in 2-3 weeks. Feelings of hunger will go into overdrive. The olfactory sense overload (smells) is the worst thing about quitting because you can smell people from 4-6 feet away both cologne as well as farts. Outside of that, you don't become a different person once you quit, your thinking barely changes other than that you realize you're gaining weight from eating. Hit the gym regularly - it does wonders for clearing junk out of the mind and keeping you calm.

Nicotine is a battle inside the mind alone. Not worth getting involved with it just to trick yourself into being calm. There's no permanent happiness involved with nicotine or the lack thereof - being content is a willful choice you make each day.

no you will miss being a smoke chad

does make your car/clothes smell better though

>There's no permanent happiness
occam's razor

Tried that, massive anxiety attacks because I couldn't bring myself back down with the tobacco. In the end, I had to give up caffiene as well.

Yes, absolutely. Once you get past the cravings, you will feel radically better both mentally and physically.
I don't miss it at all. Smoked 15 years, was very addicted

I just quit smoking after a pack a day for several years. Been a week since I've had any nicotine.

I was having trouble feeling emotions and the anxiety was too much, so I decided to say fuck it and quit. The skin crawling anxiety went away almost within a day, and the lack of nicotine helps you to be calmer over the course of the day, though your emotions will run wild. I've been weeping, raging, but mostly laughing at funny things to keep my mind comfy. I definitely haven't felt this much joy in months.

It makes you fucking miserable for 2 weeks - 2 months depending on your dependence but after that it's a net positive.