AI generated art bread

AI generated art bread.

I've been tooling around and generating images with the AI, and many shit tier pepe's,wojaks and politician caricatures later i found that the AI does some styles quite well, such as cave painting , Eldritch abominations and Vincent Van Gogh .
Just see picrel the best i've seen.You be the judge, or better go generate some art yourselves.

Attached: Sailboas in the style of van gogh.png (849x892, 1.85M)

These are not so bad

Attached: Lanterns.jpg (792x840, 79.8K)

Its taking too long for me

Oh I actually love this one, so comfy

Attached: Autumn Lamps.jpg (808x844, 143.26K)

Soulless and boring zoomer shit

cope and seethe luddite

Attached: I came here to laugh at you Necromancer.png (800x600, 255.77K)

Nigger boomer

Attached: _20220603_235203.jpg (720x840, 86.27K)

"black flamingos on snowy mountain peaks" are neither black nor on the peaks, and even some of these are not flamingos at all.
It's not AI generated image, it's a mash-up of AI-selected images that match the keywords. Crude but effective, yet it cannot generate any OC.

Attached: Screenshot_20220603_235129.png (807x952, 900.65K)

Attached: _20220603_235446.jpg (720x848, 96.56K)

Just like you. Woah.

this felt like a nice homage

Attached: skyking.png (873x869, 558.99K)

These crows are quite accurate and well done!

Attached: Crows in the Snow.jpg (788x847, 77.44K)

It does porn and hentai too if you use creative terms

Attached: nude.jpg (256x256, 5.13K)

It really is.

Uhhh? What happened? do someone else can see the crows? My picture got turned into a women???

Attached: table.jpg (914x587, 39.74K)

ANNs interpolate data. As soon as you leave the manifold spanned by the training data, it is creating novel things.

pepe the frog laughing at user

Attached: paypaysadfrog.png (857x845, 914.09K)


Attached: Capture.png (730x774, 694.63K)

This made me laugh. Thank you.

Attached: rave.png (720x655, 456.55K)

*_ !! !!F7 *!!

Attached: random_3-2.png (858x384, 148.46K)

creepy af

Attached: Capture.png (653x709, 881.16K)


Attached: Adventure Time's Treehouse.jpg (810x843, 139.16K)

>tfw no gf

Attached: download.jpg (256x256, 9.53K)