Orania, the only crime-free town of South Africa also happen to be the only nigger-free town of South Africa

Orania, the only crime-free town of South Africa also happen to be the only nigger-free town of South Africa.

The town is so safe they don't have a police force. They are besieged by niggers so they are close to their guns tho.

What do you think about it ?

Attached: 1024px-Aerial_view_Orania_07-2016.jpg (1024x683, 237.82K)

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>What do you think about it ?
You need therapy

>they don't have a police force.
all that means is whatever crime that does happen is never reported because they have nobody to report it to.

Most crimes are committed inside the family and never get reported anyways

They would have built a police force if there was a need for it. They're white, not nigger.

They are so forward thinking they are building an extension of their sewage for 7000 new inhabitant. And despite the town being right in the middle of an extremely isolated semi arid aria where land is very hard to cultivate, the housing market there is off the charts, it's as expensive to buy a house there as in wealthy gated community.

Because they're self-reliant and no niggers, they are constantly building so demand will always be met.


I will also add that they do not rely on nigger labor for anything. It's all white-made.

Is it sad for you to know that you need them but they don't need you ?

they wont last long though. its unfortunate


I wish black people were just less prone to doing crime, find a job and work your 7-9 hours instead of stealing

South Africa literally has a law that makes sure black males gets highest chance of recruitment and white males get the lowest (BEE, search it up), yet they complain about everything and refuse to work and turn to a life of crime, while whites keep to themselves while they struggle at the bottom of the food chain

because there are not enough jobs for low skilled young blacks

The town is growing by 10% a year and the unemployment rate is of 2%. They have the most expansive and effective social security net of South Africa but no parasites to exploit it.

Yet when I offer these low skilled blacks jobs, they do it for a week, sloppily, then decide to stop working, even if the work is literally doing almost nothing

I literally pay people to work for me as a way to educate them on computer science, video editing, image editing and a bunch of computer related stuff, yet while they don't struggle with the work, they do it sloppily and quit and decide to go do whatever it was they were doing before

I paid them to become educated on relevant, well paying tech related skills, yet they refused the education and job opportunity

There are more than enough jobs, they're just too lazy and undisciplined

and whos gonna protect them? the ANC? lmao yea

The town is actually governed by a company that own all the land and every inhabitant got shares in it. As a result, they can vet newcomers and keep all niggers away.

If harsh job has to be done, they bring in poor whites, give them a subsidized lodging (by the community, not by the State. They pay their taxes but receive nothing in return) and a hard job. They are rehabilitated then integrated to the community.

Long story short, a parasite-free social security net that actually works.

The answer :

>the only crime-free town of South Africa
>they don't have a police force
so there's no one to even record crime when it takes place

I wasn't racist until I started working with black people, out of the probably hundreds that I've worked with in these past few years, only 3 have done decent jobs and showed the want to actually work and earn money

That's less than 5% of the (((#000))) people I've worked with

Why does this post sound like total horse shit?

Probably because you're black and refuse to listen and learn from the mistakes those around you make

I think it's more that you've never employed anyone once in your life.

Here an article from a left-wing newspaper (Part of The Guardian network !) talking about the place :


zimbabwe all over again. dont you get it. your not welcome there and nobody going to back you. ANC is the highest authority in SA and your local vigilante will be crushed. screencap this buddy and make an escape plan

Irrelevant to my post.

Ah ! I thought you answered one of my posts. Didn't pay attention enough.

It's not "you", I am not South African. Just your random user shitposter.