Remember when Pride was just about being gay? Now its like we dont even exist...

Remember when Pride was just about being gay? Now its like we dont even exist. The rainbow is dissappearing under trannies, blm, and genderfluid retards. I have more in common with straight conservatives than these crazy fucks.

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Anime creates trannies, pedos, manchildren, and incels.
Ban anime

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>Remember when Pride was just about being gay?
why yes I do remember those white pride idiots


everyone who's sane knows that "slippery slope" is a rule and not a fallacy
NPCs will never realize it though so here we are

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Yeah i stopped going to clubs because of this. My bf and I started going to str8 bars and basically lost our night life

I'm waiting on the studies that will come out saying "Children are more mature than we know, so the age of consent will have to be lowered."

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what the fuck does blm have to do with you faggots?? I am black and christian i hate you faggots and trannies and pray every day
you neck yourself

hate to break it to you faggot we dont like your kind


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accurate graph bro

you don't understand christianity.
if you did, you wouldnt be christian.
have a nice day.

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I remember 15 years ago when people considered me a liberal lefty, now I'm considered a libertarian righty and my views have not changed. The left just moved WAY left so the more centered people are now considered right wing.

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Know a couple of guys at work who feel the same.

Its nice how audio books help you become god fearing nigger. Instead of just a faithless nigger.

>>more in common with straight conseevative fucks

That might be true in some sense, and you don't actually have to cosign everything trans activists believe. The problem is those straight conservatives will never ever EVER consider you an equal. It will never matter to them that you are not like gender obsessed people, you are still nothing but a sinful degenerate. They would sell you put in an instant. Don't be retarded.