Be me

>be me
>work at a poolside bar
>cute girl asks for information about stuff
>i stumble over my words for a solid 5 seconds before getting my shit together

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It's over now, might as well off yourself.

ok buddy

Same shit happened to me, I was laying the lines with this girl for 3 hours and she was digging me so hard. Then her friends wanted to leave, so she came and gave me a hug and I told her "It was a pleasure meeting you"

I forgot to ask her for her contact details, I only know her first name. Fuck my life.
She was absolutely amazing, beautiful and had one hell of a personality.


I feel you brother, same shit happened to me. Won't write the whole story but basically the girl asked me twice to meet up with her tomorrow from our first interaction.
I say no not realizing she was pretty much asking me to ask for her number.

nigger why else you think she wanted to meet

Yeah, my dumbass brain even said "if it's meant to be, it'll be"
And she was bummed out, I didn't even fucking realize it until afterwards.

bitch go ask her out

Niggah she came to the bar I work at. I know the city she lives in, but I don't know where exactly. She knows where I work at least so if she comes back, you know I'mma stick my tongue down her throat.

why are we autistic

As I said
If you knew the rest of the details you might have seen why but then again, I'm probably retarded.

I still ask myself why everyday.
It's been 6 days and I'm hopeful she'll come back on the weekend.

I tried pathetically to cyber stalk her but no luck.

It's fine dude, it's been longer than that the for me but I felt the same. The worst part, as we were chatting she was showing me pictures she took of herself to me. At least you weren't as retarded as this moron so take solace in that.

And then what? What if she does come back? It’s not like it’s impossible to recover from a bad start. You still could’ve asked for her number last time. You just chose not. If she does come back my money is on you still being too scared even if you speak perfectly.

He could play off the autism, she was already feeling him and might think it's cute.

Naw, I got this, I'd give her the biggest hug then get her number. Then I'd serve her.

I'm pretty honest with admitting when I'm a retard. Girls love it when you flatter them to the point that you're blown away by their whole persona.

Flattery works on everyone, one of the rules of life.

Since when do girls like that? If there is one things girls dislike it’s desperation.

Hell yeah that's how I get my tips at work.
You don't have to believe what you say to your customers.

Yeah, you just have to know how to do it. That's really the trick to it all, don't believe the BS and just keep whispering sweet nothings.

Kek man, it depends on how you say it.
You could say "I'm really glad you came back because I couldn't stop thinking about you all week and I had tried to find you online but failed" that sounds fucking desperate

Or you could say "hey I'm really glad to see you again user! I found you really intriguing last time we spoke, gimme your number so we can get to know each other better" or hell you could say something like "I wanna get to know you better over dinner, what's your number"

Play it cool man

Fuck yeah man.

If someone heard all the shit that comes out of bartenders mouths, fuck me man we'd be classified as serial flirts and fuck boys.

You an acholic? My friend worked at a pretty nice one and said everyone pretty much was. He said they would basically all get drunk after work and party as often as that could. The dude was really cool and liked his co-workers, just couldn't get too involved in their lifestyle.

Naw I don't drink at all, I work 2 jobs so when work finishes I usually go home and sleep so I can sleep a few hours before my next job. On the weekend though I'll hang out with my co workers while they either poison their liver or kill themselves with drugs
I just chill and exist.

What about you?