Where do you keep your key file?

Where do you keep your key file?

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inside yer moms vegena, mr. officer

In my NextCloud, with a sync on all devices.

text file on a cd under my mattress.

If your passphrase is long enough and you chose Argon2 as your key derivation Algo, you can store it on any cloud provider you want

On my phone, and all the places I make backups (desktop, laptop, raspberry pi that is running pihole, and on my VPS). My password is strong as fuck, so why should I be afraid? Would upload it here without feeling unsafe

do it faggot. gimme the kbdx file too. i will crack keepassxc in 2 minutes

Idk what that garbage is. I'm white. I keep my passwords in plaintext, and I cat them when I need them

my anus

where do you keep your password for your password manager?

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best passwords are like seeds for crypto wallets, just a string of random words. Long, easy to remember, hard to crack.
E.g. (bad example, but just to get the idea across) the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog --> dog_lazy_over_jumps_fox_brown_quick
Easy to remember, hard to crack. Constructing some kind of narrative or visual clue in your head can help remembering.

it's in the name

memorize your diceware passphrase

in my brain. The tip is to have passphrases for some of your most important accounts - banking, crypto and your password manager. example
The3niggers7coin4fucks5back. Length is what matters.

on a kvm (vps) server in my colo, encrypted with LUKS.

the keyfile is obviously also encrypted with a master pass and 2 yubikeys.

>fall down
>get brain damage
>locked out out of everything

Tattoo in on your balls

>get brain damage
Any Forums is already irrevocably brain damaged.
>locked out out of everything
And nothing of value was lost.

my key file is generated using a mouse movement script that I only keep the coordinates for inside my brain.
The script is hand written every time and only on an amnesiac operating system.

This actually happened to me. I tripped and smashed my head on the pavement and from then on couldn't remember my master password for my manager. I tried so many different things to create a familiar environment where my brain could just autopilot and type my password but nothing worked. Fucking nightmare.

I have it served to me on my public internet domain at key.mydomain.com in plaintext with no encryption for convenient access.