Hey Any Forums... My health isnt looking so good lately. It's scary...

Hey Any Forums... My health isnt looking so good lately. It's scary. I've been a hardcore alcoholic and heavy smoker for 10 years now.

I think I want to quit ...

Any words of wisdom?

No...I'm not going to go into a rehab or AA or anything like that. All me. All willpower.

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Do a flip

ur a faggot , i give u 7 days before u go back to fucking killing urself
how do i know? i'm just like u nigga and that's the most i can go without biiiitachhhhh
also I hope if that ur smoking weed and not cigs like a pussy, cigs give u nothing , at least weed have some good effects when u smoke, cigs is just killing urself for the taste of it

>Any words of wisdom?
U R A Faggot



those words.... are the real words of widsom, faggy mcfaggg

Go cold turkey. It'll feel so bad that you'll never want to quit again, and you'll remember that when you have a chance to start again.

Take Chantix. It helps and the med gives you wild dreams.

dskfguashdfasf, sdfasufdasfd.

> sdifoajsdofsiaj fd

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>No...I'm not going to go into a rehab or AA or anything like that. All me. All willpower.
If you’re serious about quitting then you need to go to the meetings. You’re setting yourself up for failure if you don’t. Smart Recovery is like AA but with less of the cult nonsense. I recommend it.

>No...I'm not going to go into a rehab or AA or anything like that. All me. All willpower.
You do know that alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you, right? I'm not telling you to go to AA or any of that crap, but you should see a doctor before attempting to go cold turkey.

You should just let it kill you. That's what I'm doing. Let's face it what could possibly even happen that would make waiting for the future even worth it. Maybe if aliens invade or something but more then likely the world is gonna be really shitty for the rest of our lives. Might as well just wait out the clock and get excited to discover if there's an afterlife or not.

On the one hand if it's nothing then you won't care because you don't exist.

Hell probably isn't real its only dubiously mentioned in the bible and there's plenty of scholars who would debate its existence and a loss in translation. Still possible not likely tho.

Heaven- cool
Reincarnation- also cool. A fresh start is usually nice and If it sucks again there's always next time.

Over all I'd say chances are that the afterlife either doesn't exist or is positive/neutral. Your best chance is to just die. Killing yourself can be tough to stomach but waiting to die is easy. Just give up and wait it out

DTs are the worst thing you can experience, you don't just see things you actually get teleported to hell
you'll need imodium and benzos like ativan, multi B vitamin, magnesium and potassium and powerade (it has more electrolytes then gatorade )
Don't be like me and try to cold turkey it and wind up having a seizures on and off for 4 fucking days straight and busting your head open, i was shaking so bad i couldn't even dial 911 to get help

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sounds like a plan but im going to need you to send some BTC so i can buy a handle!

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Sorry I don't have any internet monopoly money

That's okay i accept real money as well

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Go to an ibogaine clinic in Mexico.
>powerade (it has more electrolytes then gatorade )
I prefer Brawndo.

it's actually a real drink now

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>all me. all willpower
>its scary. I've been a hardcore alcoholic and heavy smoker for 10 years now.
which is it fag

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do you know how much will power it takes to stay drunk for 10 years? that true dedication

the willpower is required to not blindly follow your biological impulses though, getting addicted to something and feeding that addiction is the easy choice every time