I am 300lbs or more...is it really much more likely I will get cancer/die of cancer sometime??

I am 300lbs or more...is it really much more likely I will get cancer/die of cancer sometime??

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Yeah, its actually a pretty considerable threat to you at this point. But you'll most likely succumb to heart disease, diabetes, kidney, or liver failure first. I would say you've got about 15-20 more years at the rate you are going.

T. 20 year MD and physician.

Yep, we're talking mitochondrial pore dysfunction and aberrant release of cytoplasmic DNA.

Recent literature points to this pathway as a common mechanism behind the autoinflammatory and autoimmune pathologies that we are increasingly seeing today.

A lot of the damage is already done, but you can significantly improve your health by losing weight via caloric deficit and exercise. Godspeed user

T. 2 year PhD candidate in Molecular Biology

I gained 20 lbs during covid and felt like I had opened myself up to an early death. 300 lbs.. I dont even know how you people are still alive.

I have been 340 at my absolute heaviest.

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Thanks but idk what most of that meant...

R-really?? I am 26 now btw

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15-20 puts you right smack in the average mark then

that's how long I may have left?

Lets see the little dick too

It's not THAT little

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Was 300, managed to get down to 250 through extremely strict diet and doing nothing. Pushing 40 and recently dxed with beetus. Still dropping weight but of course i'm tired and weak as fuck. Question is "can i make it?"

I mean it's a reasonable estimate sure. It would all depend on the damage you've caused already. Not to scare you or anything but I've known people to drop from 20-30 from weight issues. 40's seems to be the sweet spot for checking out. After that you're just on borrowed time. (All of course again depending on your level of activity, intake, output, other health factors like smoking etc.)

Makes sense yeah. I am fairly active and even do runs sometimes. I try to take care of myself, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs...but my ONE weakness is food. I eat too much of everything. I am afraid of dying and dying from cancer specifically. I don't want to be dead by 40.

Well addiction is commonly tied to some sort mental affliction or event, coupled with impulse control. So if you have a "hitch" mooring you, you need to look at that first.

Something else you need to avoid doing, is trying to lie to yourself or rationalize things. Now I don't want to outright bust your balls here.. but I kinda have to. Every single obese person I've ever known has told me "I'm fairly active" and "I try to take care of myself" which is nothing but an attempt to really lie to yourself, a coping mechanism. IF you were, you wouldn't be in your current physical state. You could eat as much as The Rock does for anyone cares without issues, but the problem is the output when you aren't even putting out enough likely for an average days consumption, yet alone at higher intake.

If you don't wanna die... then start doing something about it. If you want to eat a lot eat a lot... as long as you bust your ass to burn it off. Otherwise you're just fooling yourself.

Ok. gunna sound weird right.
But start smoking, weed or other, in place of snacking.
In long term, it would fuck you. But in short term you'll loose some weight. Enough to count. And then you can stop smoking and just choose to eat richer, more expensive and tastier foods instead of wrecking your shit on pleb tier stuff.

Worked for me and i broke 4 chairs earlier this year. Now i'm down to 270lb.

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Keto diet - I'm 6 months in and went from 343 to 290 so far.

Trying to curb over indulgence and apathy with more harm to the body and more apathy...


All indulgence and apathy are born of each other. They are a cry for help. Medication is what humans use when they are sad. Lot of people can't drink alcohol so this sort of stuff is like the number 3 drug after licking each other i guess.

Anyway. what i'm saying is that humans have been smoking since before we were human. We have a stigma of it now and that's for good reason but we can't ignore a good solution to a personal problem even if it gives rise to others.

Like opioid addiction, truth is people are just fucking miserable and we should be fixing that. but that's not helpful in this context.
Also checkem

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Ignore the funny science words, MORE CELLS MORE CANCER.
It's common sense.
Dwarves don't get cancer.
Eugenia Cooney doesn't have cancer.
Kids get it less often than adults.
Foetuses hardly ever.

Stop fat shaming, bigot