For all the alcoholics out there who think quitting is impossible there is hope

For all the alcoholics out there who think quitting is impossible there is hope.
I would day time drink, nap, night drink for years.
Was killing myself. Thought I could never sleep without booze.
-30 days- clean and sober today, but strong user, you can quit if you need to. Reach out for help.

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Thanks nigger

For all the alcoholics out there, crack a bottle and enjoy it

Thanks bruh, It's ngood to hear

You got to fight for your right to be white. I'm white nigger.

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I quit 4 months ago. Was having daily panic attacks. Since then they've stopped. Took 2 weeks to get good sleep back. Eating better and dont miss being hungover all the time. Still have bad urges sometimes. Like last weekend I allowed myself a few beers on Saturday. Its still a huge difference from drinking 2-3 boxes of wine a week.

7 going on to 8 months sober here, was a severe alcoholic, in and out of hospitals, wards, being a good for nothing drunkard (even puked blood once). I thought it was impossible as well from going a bottle of whiskey a night to sobriety. Did detox and rehab which really helped and I'm glad alcohol is no longer controlling my life, don't get me wrong I still have cravings but I found naltrexone(pill) to be really helpful in my recovery. Reduces cravings and if you drink on it it will negate the high, you got this. 30 days will turn to months then years hopefully if you choose this path and have a better quality of life

Thank you user, feel much better, got a job, found a girl. Losing weight.

Me personally couldn't handle 2 beers. It would lead to 20. Feel great. headaches and anxiety gone

Pick up any hobbies? I got a 3d printer and am getting back into rc planes. Gotta keep the mind occupied. . .

3 months sober here from a 4 year long, box of beer day habit. Never thought I'd be able to stop. Lost my partner over it.

First two weeks were absolute hell. Best and hardest thing I've had to manage in a long time.

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> this is the way

Picked up my guitars for the first time in years and now I'm addicted to writing sweet riffs. I can't be stopped.

I quit 11 years ago, after many false starts. I don't know what finally took, but there is hope, and thanks for pointing that out.

16 years sweet summer child

Hey thanks everyone for posting. I think with hobbies im getting back into is road biking. I had a problem with blow, but quit that too. Meet an amazing girl, bout to get breakfast. I think lots of coffee for now, no real interest in smoking weed again. No rehab, no meetings, one month, just did it. Will stay strong

I fucking hate this so much, flip flopping from wanting to be full time sober... too, for some fucked up reason, getting shit faced.
Today I woke up with the tremors and hoped into the car (ikr) and drove too the liquour store.
I was fairly sure if I didn't then I was gonna have a seizure.
Nearly 4 liters of cheap shitty wine latter, no seziures... but guilt and regret knowing that tomorrow might be the same.

I’m really struggling.

I’m downing 10 cans a night without fail and then heading to work the next morning, rinse and repeat.

Not had the best couple of years (I know it’s no excuse) I just feel so down and shitty so I drink..

Life is a struggle.

Good for you user
>smoking weed again.
Yeah stay away from drugs unless prescribed including ganja
>No rehab, no meetings, one month, just did it.
If you feel like you're slipping you can always get an alcohol and drug counselor or reach out to other help. Doesn't mean you need meetings, they can help but it's not for everyone. Good luck

I tried smoking weed as a substitute.
Rolled 2 joints
"greened out"
fucking nasty if you can't self-prescribe according too your tolerances.
much like I can drink a heap of beer one night and understand my limits if I need too get up for work in the morning.
yeah nah

Be strong m8. I never thought I could quit. It was so so hard. With sleep. anxiety. OP here saying you can do it. I was at like 10 cans of Keystone light. 1 month no blow no booze today

I’ll give it my best shot. Thanks user!

And massive congratulations to you! Keep up the good work, king.

The getting to sleep part is very difficult and more than likely hinders me from quitting.
but when I quit for a few months I felt amazing, could sleep and wake up literally jumping out of bed and being enthusiastic about a new day.
Waking up hung over is just wanting to die.
the other thing is, I tried to seek help at quitting here (in my town, rather large population) but there is nothing, so quitting is left up to you.
BUT if you're a meth addict and/or on gibs or whatever, then the door opens... so strange.

Alcohol believe it or not is worse even than heroin once addicted. You anons need to take a hold of your lives and seek change no matter the insecurity or pride prevention. I've had seizures in the past, even went to the bottle shop at 9 am some times, and drank more than 10 beers a day. This is not me writing this as an ego boost for myself, it's serious. Alcohols end goal is death, go to fucking rehab and detox first, or see a psychiatrist and get on medication like naltrexone or antibuse to stop this affliction. Alcohol seems like a comfort but you realize you're selling your souls for the drink, it's the most constant on your mind, a toxic best friend you keep seeing. You need to end ties with booze and not make excuses, because you trick yourself into thinking it's not that bad, I can go on a bit longer. Trust me it will fuck you up. Don't let your comfort drinking prevent you from seeking professional help and overcoming this demonic entrapment. I went through 5+ years of hell as a non stop drinker and finally got my life on track, own place, studying, just generally progressing in life I wouldn't think possible a year or 2 ago. You guys got this I believe in you. Good luck

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I quit alcohol 14 years ago. I do enjoy THC gummies.

Diphenhydramine has been a godsend for managing a normal sleep routine. Non-addictive but I can see how it could be habit forming.

Otherwise OP, best thing you can probably do is push yourself back into hobbies as a distraction. I would drink out of boredom.

As soon as 4pm rolls around, instead of starting my binge for the evening I'd get my ass out of the house and go for a walk.

It's hard, but after a couple of weeks the cravings stop.

Alcohol is also a depressant. It's a self perpetuating cycle getting fucked up, hating yourself, and repeating night after night.