ITT: Tin hat theories you believe may actually be true I'll go first

ITT: Tin hat theories you believe may actually be true I'll go first....
>Alien intelligent life here on earth and elsewhere.
>Society is controlled by an elite and powerful group of people.

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The united states is intentionally ignoring covid in a bid to lower it's population, primarily in high-density areas where resources are stretched thin

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This makes no sense, the only thing that has been talked about for the last 2 years has been covid.

Just because they're talking about it a lot wouldn't mean that there couldn't be nefarious intentions involved..

You can talk about an issue and still ignore it user.

Even if the president wants to eradicate it in the country, we still have the issue of states overriding anything that could be put in place for the sake of putting off an economic recession/depression

The very one that we've already entered.

I don't understand what ignoring covid means. We shut down the world for a year and ruined economies.

You mean you think there should have been a solution or end for covid? Because that's not going to happen and never was. There are no vaccines for coronaviruses that are effective, never have been and never will be. So if by ignore you mean you got fooled into thinking they were going to come up with a solution to a virus that may or may not have been as dangerous as they claimed, then yeah they ignored it.

There's nobody buried in the tomb of the unknown soldier

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I just think that hedge funds and investment banks have playbooks. I don’t think they necessarily cause pandemics, or wars. But if one were to happen, they could manipulate markets in such a way to profit off of them. The just say, oh look at the market is tanking, must be because of the thing. Guess we’ll have to do all these other things that will make us more rich. If I bust out some graphs you can see that the market was already going to correct, then covid, then whoops. Same with housing bubble 2008. Same with 9/11. The crash was impending. Then the thing happens. Then the record profits are announced. That’s all I got.

Unidentified "remains" as claimed?

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I know this is happening

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It is empty

The reason SETI isn't getting funded is we know now that we're alone in the galaxy.

You have reason to believe that? Or just a hunch?
>Only curious

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Aren't the only countries that have major issues with it's overpopulation developing ones? It's mostly poor people that it impacts anyway since they're than main ones having a shit ton of kids they can't take care of.

Alone in the galaxy

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I only believe conspiracy theories that are true, like how the CIA killed Kennedy or the feds manipulate mass shooters as part of the domestic strategy of tension

fuckin' newfags

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Trump won the 2016 election due to voter fraud. There was plenty of proof, but it all got squashed.

Funding seti is the dumbest shit ever. Us contacting an alien civilization would mean the end of our species.

They work together behind the scenes. They get busted for it every now and then.

>Believing in the validity of any US elections


Covid is designed to weed out the sheep from the wolves. Sheep get vaxxed. Then they release the real disease and kill all the wolves.

It’s a really basic strategy. I don’t know why the right wing nut jobs haven’t figured it out. No one is gonna put microchips in them. No one is trying to track them. It’s just a simple loyalty test.

>Coffee causes cancer and the government knows it but hides because of the billions of tax revenue it brings in usually. Ever seen a politician drinking coffee?
>Most mass shooters are planned out by the government in order to try and justify throwing out the US Constitution.
>The tranny push goal is to get the population to willingly sterilize themselves so they can lower the world population so it is much easier to control.
>They are going to cause manmade food shortages the next couple years to kill off as many 3rd worlders as possible to force them to flood 1st world countries if they want to live.

People get murdered on a regular basis for being whistleblowers.

I've been saying this on Twitter since October and waiting for the other shoe. We already know Biden admin was keeping a list of all federal employees and when they got vaccinated