Whats the worst pain youve ever experienced?

Whats the worst pain youve ever experienced?

For me, it was a dislocated knee. I couldnt put pressure on that leg for nearly a week and then for several weeks after I could only hobble. The worst part was that it happened without warning. I was just walking around when suddenly my knee bent the wrong way and i was on the ground. The feeling of it bending the wrong way and my bones grinding against each other was so horrible its been etched into my mind. Some times while just chilling my memory will flash back to the moment it happened and I'll feel a vestige of that pain. Not as much as when it happened but enough to make me cringe.

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Not an acute pain, but I ruptured both of my eardrums ~10 years ago and had insane tinnitus for a few weeks. Decided I would kms if it didn't get better.

Sounds awful. I have pretty minor tinnitus but its still annoying as hell.

I only have very minor tinnitus when everything is quiet nowadays (like when going to bed). Perfectly manageable, but man I have sympathy for people hearing that 24/7

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Kidney stone. Feels like one of those nails.

Fuck. Ya got me.

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Checked. Kidney stones are a fear if mine. I didnt know they hurt your balls though.

chronic testicle pain for no apparent reason. been going on for nearly a year and doctors have no clue what is causing it.
might just get castrated or kill myself.

is this real man?

It wasn't at once but overtime. In high school when I got circumcised, that whole process was just horrible.

Got 3 wisdom teeth pulled and on the last one he was hitting the nerve. Even the assistant was saying "you're hitting the nerve, you're hitting the nerve. It was the closest thing to torture I've ever felt. They waited until all the other patients were gone for a reason lol.

waking up every goddamn day, just to go to my shitty job and try to live my shitty life. and i make 6 figures every year

Probably some abdominal pain from diarrhea although a few times I've had really bad sunburn and the pain was so bad I almost puked.

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not anymore

Had cancer treatment around a decade ago. One of the meds that I got as an IV damages nerves and had to be deluded and have hot blankets covering your arm to make it less painful. It was pretty painful like that, but it once ran out of saline to dilute and the blankets had gotten pretty cold and damn that shit hurt like hell. Braking a bone is pretty mild compared to the feeling of your arm being burned from the inside out. Got a new 10/10 to my pain scale.

I've had tinnitus for longer than I can remember. Was in the USAF (jet engines), went to (and performed in) rock concerts before that.
A couple of procedures because of ear infections means I have
this 24/7 until I'm dead. I have to have the tv on 24 hours a day or
the ringing starts driving me nuts. I really should go to the VA
and get some more disability money.

Yeah I've heard chemo is fucking torture, only marginally less bad than the disease itself in some cases. Radiation too, neighbors wife had radiation treatment for cancer and the damage it caused her body leaves her in pain for probably the rest of her life.

Root canal when the dentist didn't wait long enough for me to get numb. I vividly remember watching that thin drill bit go in and smelling the tooth dust, knowing that in a few seconds I would feel him hit the nerve. I have a high pain tolerance but that was rough, I was afraid to go back to the dentist for a while after that. And for a few years any hot or cold food on that tooth would send a jolt of pain through my jaw.

I had/have a chronic bacterial infection on my testicles.
Finally found a treatment for it but every time it comes
back it's like a fresh kick in the nuts that takes a week together.

Yeah also got radiation therapy around my neck. Had to take strong pain meds to even be able to eat and it also nuked my thyroid. Really shitty disease and most are left with life long side effects and a high risk of developing cancer later on.

Sounds like chronic epididymitis. I have it too and it doesn't seem to be an infection because antibiotics don't do shit. I think I was just born with a bum nut and I'll probably have to get it removed at some point, but I've learned how to manage the pain by massaging it. It only lasts a few hours now and only once every few weeks.

Haha yeah