What can go wrong?

What can go wrong?

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What problem does it solve

Hole in my heart.

Kinda selfish of you to force en empire on people for that reason.

would be a third world country

fucking latins

That's can not be called an empire if it's vouluntary and mono/close cultured. Technically - Italy, France and Spain represent quite the same thing, only on a smaller scale.

You must anexe all of Northern Africa.
Those natural gas fields are to important

Too much genocide. It's easier to just keep them on a short leash.

Sure it can, you think all those places are the same, but the locals will disagree and resent you for it.
Heck I grew up in a village and had beef with the next village over. What you are proposing is that people wouldn't resent their neighboring village taking them over and telling them what to do.

this, invading and depopulating north africa would also give us more living room.

Also, that way o can collect a toll on Gibraltar
Seriously, is this empire amateur hour?


You underestimate how us white people will kill each other for just a tree in the backyard.
Equal? We Europeans will go to war for a simple thing

>I grew up in a village and had beef with the next village over
Gosh, what kind of Boratistan you are from?

Pick one.

not only white people,please
humans have been killing each other for the simplest things and that involves all kinds of humans

Denmark, one of the richest countries in the world.
My example was a taking the same dilemma on a smaller scale.
Also the village beef consisted of teens yelling fuck to each other and finding neutral ground outside of either village to party on if we partied together.
There were barely any fights between us and the ones that did happen were more about some thot who couldn't keep her legs closed.

Why then do countries exist at all?

Original roman empire European countries are white. All the world is halfbreed or slaves.
Simple enough for your smal head?

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Beats me, humans are naturally inclined to thrive in groups of less than 750 people, so I don't know why we formed massive countries full of more people than we can care about.
My hunch says that it has something to do with the psychos that call themselves royals, who wanna own everything.

I've seen brothers killing each other in Germany because one moved a stone that was marking where their agricultural field was devised.
The field was abandon, none of them was going to use it. Bit yet, y3try to still 1 meter of my field

better with the French not it. No muslim countries

Well Germans do have a tendency to take things to the extreme. Just look at their philosophers, they relish the though of taking any given notion to its furthest extent, they think that is perfection.

More land, more "slaves",
More slaves, more idiots working for my gold stack

Back to the map
Germania and helvetica are a must have.
Britannia is a island, can be difficult if not impossible to control, so no win/win there.