Am I ugly :|

Am I ugly :|

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I think you are, OP

Not really.

You're hardly the most handsome guy on the planet but as for ugly? No. You don't repulse me, you just don't excite me.

Tidy up the hair a little n the clunge sponge on your chin and you'd gain three points off the bat.

Don't listen to the spastics in this thread, just trying to demoralise you.

How can I look exciting then? Women care a lot about looks, and want a handsome guy

For the nth time, yes.

How can I look more normal


Not really, like 5/10 average dude, if you lost some weight in face 6

Even s 6 isn’t great. I’m not fat or chubby, so why such a low rate right now? 5 obviously isn’t even slightly attractive

you are the definition of weak ugly faggot

am i ugly

Attached: 1650724785119.jpg (640x772, 51.18K)

am i evil

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You have potential to look good.

Why not already?

Nope you look good

>5 obviously isn’t even slightly attractive
I would rate you 5 or 6 and I actually think you're reasonably attractive.

Fk her

Stop posting this it's getting annoying

youre being ugly in that you post your face on an imageboard of faggots and retards.

Besides that, you got pretty good facial structure. Dont worry about it. Easy 6 / 10 at least. Not saying you should, but if you were on testosterone and worked out youd probably be a 7 or 8, maybe higher.

Its all about the personality bro. Try to have fun with it, and dont be too autistic (no hitler jokes), and be nice. Dress nice, wear good perfume, etc.. you'll get pussy eventually.