Why are blacks so desperate to claim ownership over ancient Egypt...

Why are blacks so desperate to claim ownership over ancient Egypt? Where is it documented that they were the rulers of ancient Egypt?

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darkies have nothing on them so they try to say they built ancient egypt so they can say they contributed to the world

>Where is it documented that they were the rulers of ancient Egypt?
Not in ancient Egypt.

Coping mechanism. Does this ring you a bell, Mister?
Funny thing is, tha niggers actually have had some some contribution but they tend to ommit them and claim totally false ones


>finally get power
>the last dynasty
>everything goes to shit

This is nothing to be proud of. This proves they can't run shit.

U asked for documentation. The rest is just you're racist interpretation.

So the first 24 dynasties were by brown people, not black people, gotcha.

Who said otherwise?

They do, the point of the entire thread. They claim they always ruled Egypt.

Wtf r u talking about

>thought he'd own some 2022 racist
>furthers their point
>makes it worse
Ah yes the more gas on the fire approach of the standard libtard mongoloid

They wuz kangz

Aegyptus =/= Nubians =/= Bedouins

Axum, Mali, Nigeria, and Zulu was the "Black" empires


Y'all don't know about Hyksos, foreign ruling class that tried to destroy Egyptian culture and was finally chased away by Egyptians after 259 years of terror.

Please, Grandpa, just take your pills already

Let's play devil's advocate; assuming blacks at some point did in fact "rule" over ancient Egypt, what sane person could even fathom that they are the same hedonistic, irresponsible and savagely violent blacks as today? Moreover, who really gives a shit if they were? It even further underscores how abysmally inept and small-brained they truly are.

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R u implying the rest where "White" empires? Do u know what empire means?

Im so confused by the stupidity in this thread.

And whites were enslaved by PoCs. Whites were more slaves than the US ever had. Yet, whites never received compensation or an apology.
And it wasn't like the US did it paying for slaves and taking them. No, they enslaved whole villages of whites.

And out of nowhere, the Egyptian times ended suddenly.

U sudenly realized US is a great empire, and thats what empires do. Go be proud somewhere else.

Little nigga in the bottom corner died happy af. Look at him. All smiles and shit

All great empires came to an end sooner or later. I hope u live long enough to see the US fall.