The left is retarded

The left is retarded.

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The whole binary political spectrum is retarded

I was gonna type a whole thing out about how banning guns and banning abortion is different but then I remembered what site I’m on

Seems more like you don't have anything that can hold water.

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True, and so is the right

>last week the right said they just want to protect children

they're infantile scumbags

You ever just feel like going to a dog park and dropping poisoned treats around? Or perhaps pouring gasoline and dropping tinder around a random person's house and lighting a match?

Me either.

Sorbo is based.

What would Andromeda say?

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We know banning abortions doesn't result in less abortions.

We also know banning guns results in less gun violence

See the difference?

I'd peel her skin off in as many whole pieces as possible and try to keep her alive as long as I can while doing it. Or maybe I'm joking? Or maybe I'd salt her flesh while doing it.

She's a warship, so good luck

I mean... they'll definitely be able to get the bullets.

witnessed and wasted

people who think completely banning guns are retarded. It shouldn’t be ban this ban that it should be about regulations. If people are gonna get abortions regardless we should have it be legal so regulations can be in place so it’s safer. If people are gonna get guns then there should be regulations in place so schizos have a harder time getting them

Why have laws at all if only criminals break them?

All sides are retarded
(except the side I'm on)

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Agreed, common sense regulations are what is needed. Unfortunately, the gun lobby has their hands so far up the GOP's ass they are terrified to do anything

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weird coincidence that kid died in a school shooting.

gun grabbing means no change will be made. i hope the left insists on grabbing guns so no new laws are pased

>common sense regulations
Like background checks?
The shooter in Uvalde went through the process. Twice.
So please share what your "common sense regulations" are.