The feel bar is open. What are you having? Share your story with me. I'm here

The feel bar is open. What are you having? Share your story with me. I'm here

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I'd like a glass of fresh water. Although I do not have a fancy story to tell, just an average guy, going through the motions.

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I drink too much lately. I have for months now. Quit my job months ago as well, but mostly because I just feel completely adrift with nothing good on the horizon. Didn't get vaccinated, the people and family I know that did are all fucked up. Doctors will never tell em that though. I'm stuck in a bad loop and just need to get out of it. Story of my fucking life really.

here you go friend

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I’m in a long distance relationship and I’m not sure if I’m happy in it any more. She’s not really the same person I started dating. I want to try and salvage it, but I feel like any methods to try that would be rude as hell. I still love her, but she became a massive FNaF fan when security breach, which there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s constant. Like she always constantly is talking about FNaF. She’s a grown woman and she’s written 3 fan fictions about security breach characters being gay. I have my own interests, but whenever I talk about those, she gives me very dry responses and sometimes changes the subject to something she wants to talk about. Not sure what to do, since we’ve been dating a very long time and I still love her, I just wish she was the same person that asked me out.

And I just want an ice water

Screwdriver, please. Quit laughing.

There’s this girl I go to school with who I’ve been talking with for like two months. Her parents are the strict type, but we’ve been able to go on bike rides together, video chat, and text without any issues. We get along very well in general and I really like her.

I recently told her how I feel and she said that there’s definitely something she feels for me, but also that she still has trust issues based on a recent fling on our school trip to L.A.

Basically, this dude I’m pretty good friends with, as well as roomed with on the trip, made her fall for him and pulled a whole “complain-about-my-problems-trauma-dump-wham-bam-thank-you-ma’m-goodbye” maneuver over a 24-hour period. She was devastated and heartbroken that he left her, hence the recent trust issues.

I made it clear when she told me this that I’m there for her whenever she needs somebody. She seemed to be overcome with solemn joy when I said this. Things are still going very well and we talk everyday. Hopefully I can break the curse my friend put her under and get through to her.

That’s, uh… that’s what’s on my mind.

Thanks you buddy.

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3 shots of tequila and a dos xx.
Everyone has bailed on me today so im just locked inside my room seething about it or maybe im mad about other stuff i dont know

Damn bro. You should try talking to her about it first, if it doesn't work, leave. Feeling bad about it but not communicating with her won't help. Be honest.

Thanks man

I want a hibiscus margarita with a salted rim and there’s an extra 20 in it for you if you stir it with your penis lowkey.

I went through my childhood being told work and studies were the most important thing, and never really had a chance to have fun due to parents. I am very successful and accomplished most of my work / study related goals but I feel empty now. I promise its not in a bragging way but, when you get everything you want/ were told to achieve what do you do then? I'm kind of stuck in the realization that I missed out on most moments you could look back on because I now realize I have none.

Same feel but i failed so im both not rich and unaccomplished

I went to opposite route but feel equally as empty. at least you have money. I can't even find a job

He you either fail, break, or succeed but either way you get fucked over when you realize how bad you got fucked as an adult

Barman gimme a glass of your best pisscunt on the rocks and make it double. I’ve had a terrible week and i’m sick of it all.

>Give me a drink, Bartender!

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I remember the first time i saw that video i laughed my ass off so hard.

i'm old as the hills. the best thing to do is be honest with her and tell her your love is flagging because of her obsession and her focus on only herself. it sounds like she lost interest in you as a person and considers you an emotional dumping ground. you are not getting the respect or attention you deserve from a partner. if she will not come to her senses, move on.

if you really want to impress her, break company with this "friend" who hurt her.

The funny thing is he’s unavoidable by design as we’re all band kids. Everybody’s forced to be acquainted with one another as we’re all about to be seniors and in positions of leadership.

I do think it’s time to stop being such good friends with the guy though.