Let's be honest here. Russia would absolutely destroy America in a real fight

Let's be honest here. Russia would absolutely destroy America in a real fight

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Russia has the military budget of a local restaurant

And they're still reaming out one of the heaviest armed countries in the world, Ukraine.

Attached: 1720608323-Funny-Putin-5-of-30-570x721.jpg (570x721, 57.04K)

Russia has trannies?

they gotta lot of traps as well

Russia is a fucking joke and its army is all pussies, just like you Boris.
Sad attempt LIAR.

the premier of bongland is a fucking russian?

Not with its shitty outdated equipment being haphazardly operated by conscripted foreigners, no

Ah, yes. Most certainly.
How has that been going again?
Oh right, complete retreat from Kyiv, entire BTGs getting shot up on unsuccessful river crossing, and a recently modernized flagship being promoted to submarine.

Oh, and can't forget the 4-to-1 loss ratio on equipment either and the very modern 1970s T-62 tanks being brought forward since anything more modern is either dead or towed away by the feared Farmer Chads.

Attached: FearTheTractor.jpg (1125x1096, 111.76K)

he's american kek

Potemmkin village sheit hole.

Holy fuck. The cope.

Way to go Putin. You turned Russia into North Korea

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At literally no time in history. Even if they waited till winter and send all their farmers across the strait into Alaska, they'd still lose in the end.

Bait ?
No couldn't be

russia's logistics and organization are too shit and it isnt helped by the amount of corruption in their military ranks.
they have no power projection either
russia basically only even exists cuz it's a cold frozen shithole wasteland that no-one wants

I am very surprised at how Ukraine went down. At the beginning, I thought Russia would have been smarter, tougher and their weapons would work. Man was I wrong. They were all talk and the proof is in the result.

They weren't all talk. They are just correctly afraid of what would happen if they drained their full military into this. No one was willing or able to circle around and smack them when they rolled through Europe end of WW2.

I thought they'd take some major cities then kind of just "occupy", less "fight".

Instead, I now fesr Ukrainians. I realize it's skewed by western takes on what's actually happening and that the true state over there is probably somewhere in the middle of Russian and Western depictions... But holy fuck. Ukrainians are goddamn crazy. Not even Texans would have the nationalism and sheer will they've displayed, AND THEY KEEP THAT ATTITUDE UNDER GUNFIRE. It's wicked to see. Sad, but awesome.

Documented, confirmed, as in every single entry on these lists has a unique photograph associated.

(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual captured or destroyed vehicle)

Ukraine - 1106, of which: destroyed: 526, damaged: 25, abandoned: 35, captured: 520

Russia - 4172, of which: destroyed: 2428, damaged: 75, abandoned: 316, captured: 1353

1353 vs 520 in the captured category is probably one of the most devastating figures. Most of that 520 was near obsolete crap. Much of that 1353 was automatic (if still outdated) upgrade