Does this photo triggers ameri-mutts?

does this photo triggers ameri-mutts?

Attached: 1653586955415.jpg (1000x750, 473.46K)

Given the live expectancy of Russian generals, no. The guy is likely to be dead before I can click .

>be me
>be American
>be confused as fuck
I’ve never seen or heard of either of these men in my life

Based for the black general being a defender of whites while the Ruzzki is a pro-nigger killer of white people

Attached: 1653211243967.jpg (457x512, 33.45K)

You said nothing with this, nigger, except that your tinfoil hat fell off your head.

Attached: 1653291639708.jpg (916x1038, 124.2K)

Ah, yes, of course. A vatnigger with nothing but scripted shit hardwired in their hollow brain and no common sense left.

how does it feel to lose the war vatnigger?

Attached: 1653529974483.gif (550x370, 955.14K)


Attached: IvansLiesFixed.png (996x747, 1.11M)

Cope that nobody in Europe loves you and you have to resort to 19th century mentality, vatnigger

>the actual map

Attached: 28-may-2022.png (300x202, 71.99K)

What is a vatnigger?

Have a family of them

Attached: 1653752999357.jpg (1024x730, 178.22K)

looks like a european version of an american family

Attached: american family.jpg (1024x788, 474.66K)

we don't open .png's here glownigger

Attached: 1653299386970.gif (220x313, 833.51K)

Russia is not Europe. And with hope Ukraine will make sure Europe won´t end a vatnigger dump like Russia

America is so fucked anymore I don't think anything would trigger us or should, cause it's all completely fucked. The clowniest of countries.



i wish i was one. getting paid for making useless post on a autistic board and getting paid for it would be a dream comming true

Not everyone is a glownigger

Attached: gigachad behavior.jpg (844x1022, 117.18K)

Until the 24th february when Russia became the top clown of the world

theyre both pretty fucking gay and if i a civilian wouldnt want to be in a room with them to live with then these people could only help make a country full of cowards. im skirting around the point youre trying to make
america has some of the best military in the world though besides china
maybe if you werent such a short-sighted fucking faggot retard you would do the same comparison with china (if people even KNOW whos in charge of what in china) because they are the real threat with a good army and not russia, which (the guy on the right) is white too anyway, so... yaeh

Attached: random_3-2.png (858x384, 148.46K)

wasn't this the clown of the world?

Attached: 1653327185160.gif (480x368, 1.69M)