Fuck the dead children

fuck the dead children
I dont care about them
I am keeping my guns
And I will get more

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Now that's what I call a true patriot.

No problem. You won't ever have kids who could take them to school anyway.

Why is there a McDonald's patch in his shoulder?

I would never send my kids to school to be brainwashed into being fags anyway. Home schooling is the only way. Teachers are pricks.

Cops love McDonald's and Tim Horton's.

Shut up white boi

are you also against abortions?

So I'm right then. Okay.

Depends. I hate whores and sluts, but I also hate downies and rape babies.

At least if I can't have kids of my own I can take out your future faggot generation kids when they try to start a civil war for more fag "rights". I'd love to shoot a tranny honestly, but I'll wait until society says it's finally okay.

>Y-y-youre an incel
Go back to white boy reddit

Only pussies need guns lmfao "oh no I needs to protect muh manhood"

You sound way too dumb to homeschool, poor fucking kids, they would be better off being shot at school than having you as a parent.

don't be a hypocrite. if you are ok with shooting children, don't say depends for abortions. that's the problem with gun people, you are not consistent.

Lol by the time that "war" happens, dont you think all of us who are superior to you in intellect will easily fuck you all up with technology and supply chain shortages. You republicans are stuck in the 1800s, have fun with your little toys.

You won't do shit
You're a white boy who browses too much reddit

You misspelled "idiot"...

Same thing.


Not really. If you don't like power for yourself or think cops care or actually think like hiding is a good idea you're the coward. If someone broke into my home I would kill them without any hesitation. I wouldn't announce myself either. Fuck them and fuck their lives. I'd kill them. No hesitation. No guilt. I don't give a fuck how poor, stupid, or hungry they might be. Fuck them.

Fuck off liberal. If you think guns are bad you have too many emotions to be intelligent.

I didn't say I would shoot children, just a future generation of fags trying to ruin the world is worth killing and fighting against.

Faggots and whores and furries are illogical and mentally ill. I might honestly drown my kid "accidentally" if it started spouting gay shit. Like in the good old days.


You need guns because you're scared. That's okay :) mommy will tuck you in and keep you safe. Also don't leave the house!! Your pickup truck won't keep you safe either.

You are white
Kys white cracker ass bitch

Yeah, bro, my tears ain't going to bring them back to life. Shit happens.. hopefully that fucking loser shot himself, but I ain't following the story. This is the normal now. Sad fucking times. It's fucking Texas after all, how you not dead ahead of time? It's nothing but conspiracy bullshit. Fuck the Dems and their little games.

>next day user gets shot randomly and dies for no fucking reason whatsoever
They're going to need a crane and a mobile morgue to deal with the immensity of your bloated corpse

Ur white lol

No its because I value my life over yours and don't feel like dying or hiding for the sake of not killing some piece of shit that tries to kill me or break into my home. Fucking retard.

seethe harder libtard

The more recent two really give off CIA vibes honestly. Fuck the glowniggers. Fuck the feds. Fuck the ATF, fuck the FBI, fuck all of those crooked niggers.

yeah, maybe next time they will remember to shot the back door.

>angry anti-gun nigger cant into grammar
lmao hurr durr

Whatever I guess, I'm not really involved. The whole planet is going to burn and I'm not going to miss a single one of you.

edgy ouch careful you dont cut yourself there kiddo