Hey Any Forums looking for Japanese translation gigs or to create a portfolio so I can get some work for compensation...

Hey Any Forums looking for Japanese translation gigs or to create a portfolio so I can get some work for compensation, anyone got anything Japanese they want me to translate or anything they recommend?

Attached: The-derivation-of-the-Japanese-hiragana-and-katakana-syllabaries-from-Chinese-characters.jpg (514x311, 62.58K)

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It's not a bad idea, I am just starting out so I'm only stumbling in the dark. I'm better at understanding words than putting the effort to skillfully edit the panels of a doujin to make them English. Thank you for the advice, for now I'm just here to help people with what they need

Attached: Doujin sample.png (602x875, 1015.93K)


Can you be my personal translator while I browse 2chan?

readheroacademia website is usually looking for translation help each week when My Hero Academia chapters come out, they always have an ad at the end of chapters. I think they have people who can edit the panels to english but they want people that can translate

Futaba is a little overwhelming, mostly text and a lot of lingo I can't understand at the moment. It's like walking into Any Forums and not understanding words like "kek" and "based"
Picrel was my introduction to Futaba, unfortunately it's not as exciting at that.

OP: Is even America full of gays?
Responses: School caste seems low

It is said that it's the home for gays

>it is said that it's the home for gays
Is there really a home/source?

If there're balls then it's still based

Attached: Japanese 4Chan (ふたば) Be Like.png (1155x501, 135.75K)

That's great to hear! I'm not confident in my translation skills to do something big like that since I still try to translate everything from Japanese to English, word for word, literally. I was hoping to start small like images or songs or maybe something crazy obscene with weird text. It'll help me learn without overloading myself since I'm still not good with Japanese as I am with English.


>>maybe something crazy obscene with weird text
Well if you insist
399030 on nhentai



>googles it
There's a bunch of different versions of nhentai, so I added the numbers and it gave me picrel. Is this what you mean? Didn't expect something so extreme, makes me feel a little bit better for being a faggot kek

Attached: cover.jpg (1280x1780, 288.63K)

They all say some form of "Shigeo is an old virgin (jobless) HIKIMORI." 無職 (jobless) is on some of them.
"Shigeo, what have you been doing/become before you've been talking to other people a lot?"
>糞貼りあらし 在日犯罪者
"Shit-sticking storm, Sinners today"

A few things to say about the last thing: I didn't know how to interpret あらし as hiragana so I translated as 嵐 "storm"
犯="trespass" (to commit a crime/violate another)

Thank you


based, I am a faggot and know a little Japón to read kemobara doujins

Kind of hit a wall though since I'm done with the ABCs and just trying to learn by reading is impossibly slow, I'll need a book or something

It's a good feeling to be able to overcome the language barrier to enjoy something specific to the other language. There's a lot to the language learning that's not limited to writing. If you stick to writing, your reading comprehension will be better than your hearing comprehension. Learn to balance them out, I don't have good recommendation other than pirate subbed anime.

My interpretation
Hey shigeo, before you talk about others, how about look at yourself
>糞貼りあらし 在日犯罪者
Shit-posting troll, zainichi perpetrator

Ended up being busy with other things at the moment. I'm looking over and it's quite the read. Don't know why anyone would be interested in that, but I'll do the best I can

OP starts off by saying how there's no way that anyone can say that a girlfriend or a wife would cook like this. Next person goes "ALL YOU CAN EAT FTW" and the person after that says something I'll interpret as: "You have to be a gook to set your chopsticks like that."
Person below that makes fun of them for believing it's an all you can eat 食べ放題
I see, is it all you can eat?
>何でわざわざこんな安そうな店貼るかなw いじられるの分かるだろうにw
Why is such a cheap looking place being talked about here? lol I can understand if we're making fun of it

>まさかとは思うけど茂雄君って焼肉屋さんは食べ放題のお店しかないと思ってる?(笑) あ、でも茂雄君はヒキコモリだから縁の無い話だねw
You think there's no way, so you're thinking nothing but user being in an all you can eat restaurant? (lol)
Ah, but because user is a shut in, this is a story without a connection. lol

w and (笑) how how the Japanese type lol