America could fix literally every single one of its problems if it just exterminated it's black and gay communities...

America could fix literally every single one of its problems if it just exterminated it's black and gay communities well removing jews from positions of power.
But it's not going to do that, so things are only going to keep getting worse.

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Cannot understand why your parents didn't used a condom...

If they exterminated gays who would suck ur cock

>America could fix literally every single one of its problems if it just exterminated it's black and gay communities well removing jews from positions of power.
Nazi Germany couldn't even do this and it was created with the sole intent on trying to do these things

You turn on the news and that what you get from it? Jesus, OP, next you're gonna be telling us that we should be putting lead back into gas .


The vast majority of problems with society are caused by what you directly pay in to multiple times every single fucking day which is animal agriculture.

But you want to blame others for shit that YOU cause.


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BTW this includes but not limited to:
>fresh water scarcity
>usable land scarcity
>actual food waste
>climate change by a wide fucking margin

They did this just fine. And after doing this they went from utter poverty to being so powerful it required most of the world to stop them on the jews behalf..

You forgot climate change.
Every 1 calorie of animal calories produced in the US required 9 calories of plant calories to produce. So the impact of animal agriculture is roughly nine times greater than the impact of vegetarian agriculture, and there are fossil fuels used at every step of production.
I'm not saying we should all be eating cricket flour and never having steak, but it should be a rarer occurrence than eating take-out McD's three times a week and eating animal protein for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(For the record, I'm not vegan or vegetarian--I eat eggs on the regular and animal protein a few times a week. Maybe I'm a hypocrite but facts are facts.)

>are you the one who pays?

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>You forgot climate change.

no i didnt.

No OP exterminate the jews. Remove the cause of the disease, don't just deal with the symptoms. Just don't forget to sink the 9+ nuke armed subs and destroy the 2 bioweapons labs first.

You posted that while I was typing. I should have turned on auto-update.

I'm definitely preaching to the choir, but you might find this interesting:

The best way we can enjoy animal products to satisfy are caveman brains is probably going to be lab-grown meat. I think animal husbandry will continue as a luxury good, which is fine. Assuming we eventually nuke ourselves back to the bronze age, it's good to have a back-up plan in place.

the absolute state of NA education

FFS sorry I'm tired. I'm not supposed to be awake at this hour. (Second shift life.)

You say that like it would be easy to do and like you or whoever was actually in charge would be stringing up some other minority within six months after having completed the first goal.
You're delusional. I suppose most people with extremist beliefs are.

Like you wouldn't* haha, damn I'm a shitty typist.

No, there were still gays and Jews in the reich, some of them even held positions in government and this was an open secret even for the time

yep, it's over for america, question is if there will be anything left elsewhere

Not him and I too am preaching to the choir but actually drives me nuts how much people already dont like this.
Like no one has a basic enough understanding of chemistry and biology, and too much of an obsession with the word "natural" without fully grasping what that even means and how it applies to understand that lab meat will be rhe same as animal if not better.

Your body doesnt care. It doesnt have ideologies. If animal protein hits your stomach theres no cellular investigation officer coming to determine if it came from a cow or if it was grown.
Its going to take whats in there, and do with it what it does with it anyway.

Lab meat is a cheap, scaleable, and frankly miraculous way to ensure we can still eat affordably and healthily into the future.
So many scientific advancements in food we should be on our knees in awe about and celebrating human achievement that are instead being greeted with "ewww, concepts"

See, I thought that they just borrowed all the money for re-weaponization, stole wealth from the Jewish population, then used both influxes of wealth to fund their war... did they somehow get money from other sources? Please explain. I'm not buying the warfare equals wealth equation. The government even today seems to go massively in debt by borrowing money to pay for weapons. Is this not the case? Does power not come at the cost of debt?

freakconomics has nothing to do with the morals which is what i care about above all.

I was simply pointing out why OP is a retard and should kill themselves.

Tl;dr im afraid it wont take off as it should.

Blacks and Jews should be exterminated on a global scale.

>The Röhm scandal resulted from the public disclosure of Nazi politician Ernst Röhm's homosexuality by anti-Nazis in 1931 and 1932. As a result of the scandal, Röhm became the first known homosexual politician.
The irony is he was originally attacked by anti-Nazis and defended by the Nazi party. He was only killed because Hitler saw him as a political rival and Hitler himself never publically denounced his homosexuality and never cited it as the reason he was executed.

Attached: Ernst_Röhm_(1887-1934)_München,_Germany_(Weimar_Republic)_1924_Hauptmann_Bund_Freikorps_Epp_uniform_Iron_cross_etc_242-HF-0377_001_Unrestricted_No_known_copyright_(cropped).jpg (757x1024, 148.7K)

>America could fix literally every single one of its problems if it just exterminated

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By that logic, we could eliminate the world's problems by simply blowing everything up.

I find freakonomics interesting particularly because they show that a lot of decisions end up being economical instead of moral. I think is probably wrong just because lab grown meat is going to be SO much fucking cheaper than animal-sourced meat that most consumers just won't care.
Unfortunately, the best way to get people to do the right thing is to make it optimal for their wallets. We've been trying to push renewables since Carter, but now that Solar and (onshore) Wind are cheaper than natural gas power plants, it's finally happening.

As for OP killing himself, I thought that went without saying.

Easily the most Chad solution actually. Can't have degeneracy or violence if there are no humans left on Earth to experience or partake in it.

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Can we atleast agree that meat should a delicacy since its good but harmful

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The thought just occurred to me...
... is the gigachad guy real or is he CGI?