I want

>i want
i dont care
shut the fuck up

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I don't recall that last part being true. Adultery is a really big deal in divorce. Private detectives, subpoenas, all kinds of shit. Of course someone can always bear a system but still.

american try not to think about nigger sex challenge (impossible)

marry it's good trust me

source: one hundred unsatisfied married man

>>Adultery is a really big deal in divorce
True. But nowadays it doesn't matter which one cheated. Wife gets house and kids unless she's a complete junkie and beats the kids. And even then it isn't a guarantee.

based. To hell with women! I'm happy enough with my waifu

the pillow doesn't call your dick smol user~

It isn't. Most people get evidence of adultery and the wife gets literally nothing. Shell be lucky to get joint custody of the kids. Judges do not like whores.

>t. I work for a divorce attorney

OP gets it

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Must vary by state or something. One of my bigger clients is a firm specializing in complex divorce cases & the wife cheating doesn't seem to matter at all. Typical starting position is wife gets housing, vehicle, half of retirement, primary custody & child support, guy gets everything that's left. Negotiations go from there but it's all about finances & career options, nothing about why they're getting divorced.
Violence/abuse is an exception but that's usually just an empty threat without evidence b/c the woman thinks it'll get her even more/cover for infidelity.

I'm in the bible belt, if that helps. Pur attorneys would NEVER allow that to happen, especially with how good our P.I.s do with aquiring evidence.

>Must vary by state or something
yep. "no fault" divorce dos not give a shit about adultery.

2D women>>>>>>trash>>>>>>real women

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This fuckin MGTOW self fullfilling prophecy bullshit will definitely leave you lonely and single.

Ive been single for 6 years. I'm not lonely at all.

I owned my own place from the age of 21. When my then GF got in a huge fight with her parents and decided she was leaving home she said she would move in with me. My response was laughter, then "no".

Nip it in the bud early, they'll listen. If they don't, lose them. Your happiness in life is not worth a bit of tail.

You know what is a great feeling. Owning a home, sitting in your massive home office, working from home, making 6 figures, while looking at Any Forums. Fucking relationships, fuck marriage, acquire skills and make money. Live your life, go see the world, and when you’re 55 retire and do whatever the fuck you want for 30 years.

Based. Fuck common law marriage and fuck women. They want to be independent? Go do it yourself, then, bitch.

Exactly. Retards like that other guy just don't get it. Being alone =/= being lonely.

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What do you do?

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this is not what marriage is like

Engineer. I have a highly specialized set of skills that maybe 20 people have in the whole world so basically I get to demand what ever I want and my company gives it to me.

Yup. Get a dog they are loyal and are happy to see you when you get home.

Recently separated from a 9 year relationship (7 6 years married). Feels weird... but it also feels like the world has opened up before me.

Feels good man.

Nice man. I wish I had it like that.

Based and dogepilled

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Checked and thanks.

When I broke up with her I did it by text, that was the end of a three year relationship. She wanted to keep having sex together but I said no, exes are exes. A month later I missed her and was horny, it passes though.

Now? I still have a home, rent it out and get a pay check each month for doing nothing but being smart in the formative years of my life. And my ex? I have no idea, couldn't give a shit either.