Does Any Forums collect physical media?

Does Any Forums collect physical media?

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I used to, but since everything is digital now, I don't see a point.

Hello Tom, how are your false scifi-Gods?

i dont even collect digital

It is not recommended to become emotionally attached to objects. Your emotions will be bought and sold by the industries.

Yes I am Tom Cruise. Scientology is true.

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Battlefield earth should been a Tyler Perry movie

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I buy TPBs and Omnibuses of comics if I like them enough, stopped buying single issues physically when digital became a thing.

>I am Tom Cruise
you really have to be molested for hollywood job?

No but it helps just like a lot of industries.

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Yes. I only buy video games on physical media, because someone will eventually delete the online-only games. I have no Steam account.

And has your molestation is why you became such a very gay man with a ventetta against Hollywood and the rights for the unwashed masses?

A mass shooting just highlighted America begging for attention once again. Last time this happened you ban guns on the movie Jack Ryan...will you do the same for this latest Mission Impossible...lame it up? You been alive more than I. You must know people love ultra must give a shit sirrrrrrr!!!!!!!!...Tom Booze

Hey I've had my dick sucked by more than enough men to know I'm not gay, thank you very much.

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I used to buy blu rays because I liked the idea of collecting. Then i realized that even when I have a movie on disc I'd rather stream it somewhere for convenience reasons. Sold most of my discs since then. The only thing I buy from time to time is vinyl records but most of those hold their value very good, some even increasing in value so I don't feel too bad about it

Same tbh

I haven't made a decision yet. We're all still grieving.

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Double down and make it a hard R.

Do the what now

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Not like I did in the past

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Do you have The Matrix Trilogy in your collection?

I used to, still have 300+ DVD collection, but I just upload shit to my NAS and watch it through Plex, much cheaper and more convenient.

i wouldn't say i collect them but i do have some physical media like blu rays, video games and manga. its nice to have at first but the more you get the more space it takes up which im not a fan of