I'm too lazy to program

I'm too lazy to program

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i just github what i want



By admitting this you're already on track to become one of history's greatest programmers.

Good. There's too much code out there anyway.

that's an immediate hired from me

highly motivated high iq people are so fucking lucky. you have this feeling inside of you that being lazy is "wrong" somehow or that being productive "matters" or is "fulfilling" for you. i wish i had that instead of the nihilism i currently feel.

You just need to stop being a retard and just do some projects that are within reasonable scope. But people here are like I want to make a programming language or a game engine to show off and are arguing about why does 1="1" or whether to use vim or visual code.

me too
i'll just multiply my story points by the day of the week

>I'm so smart...
>...I can't get over my nihilism

oh, one of these retards

not , but i do c & cpp projects time to time. i can't be motivated to do anything i'm not interested in for more than 4 minutes.

i kinda wanted to fork 4chanx and strip a ton of the bloat.
i'm saying i'm not high iq you retard

Make a text based game with items.

already did that before actually, not saying it was anything big though (just a 2 week project).

Funny thing is its Jews like you who are promoting demoralization campaigns but you deny it when called out and switch from the blue jew to the red jew

being a lazy fuck is a sign that you should learn basic programming because you will make use of your own scripts a lot

I'll be 30 in 3 days and I have hardly learned any programming myself.

Hmm okay the next step would be graphics programing I think...
Well you picked c++ not me.

little bit of directx9 & imgui experience due to me making csgo cheats


>tfw smart but lazy

Something I wonder is the magnifying glass tool in mspaint. Something people take for granted but I think it'd be pretty tricky to make. That must be a challenge in itself.