My mother is a fucking idiot

My mother is a fucking idiot.

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You and her


Why's that? It better not be some "I'm retarded and live at home at 35" garbage story

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ok 13yo tell us your story, why are you so angry at mommy?

What happened OP? Your mommy took your pc away? AAA HAA HAA HAA HAA HAA

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She lied to some people so i was forced to be in hospital for a month

Don't hate your mom, bro.

Hate your dad, instead.

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this. fathers are the real pieces of shit 99 times out of 100.

I wanted to throw mine into the sun, but the coward was stabbed to death in his truck last year.

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She must be retarded to have given birth to such a fat fuck loser like you

im fat because of her

You're fat because you don't have self control if you're older than 10

Yeah, well, she's a woman, right?

was forced to eat and forced to take meds that make most people who take it gain weight



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Check em

You are a supreme slob. Your mom is barely holding it together on the account of you being around demanding snacks for your diabetes. Get away from her, miles away and let her breath once more in her life.

I haven't lived with her for 9 months now
