So whats going in with perl?

So whats going in with perl?
I heard it splintered iff into raku and that raku is missing 7zip, imagemagick, mysql, postgresql, etc...
Essential stuff really.
I dont see any alternative to perl that integrates regex seamlessly and focuses on string/file manipulation and such.

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raku is way too different than perl. Way too bloated imo. And the worst kind of bloat
>raku is missing 7zip, imagemagick, mysql, postgresql
I don't know about that, but it's highly incompatible with any perl code that's for sure
>raku is missing 7zip, imagemagick, mysql, postgresql
there is ruby, kind of. Except that it has 100ms start up time

Ruby was never an option. Slower than python? How did they manage that?
Lua maybe though ironically. But it still lacks a features. I havent looked into the lua ecosystem though.

perl 7 is based on perl 5
raku 2 will be based on raku (old perl 6)

I'm seriously considering making a perl-like language for myself. It's inevitable really, it's just take a bit of time.
something like perl5+regex+grammar+low level memory management features+better pack/unpack+concurrency+JIT+macros+optional types. Things like that. With most of the same syntax, except for the ->, and no special variables.
And also a better "context", maybe. Context feels like an half-assed attempt at inserting a little laziness in the evaluation model.
What do you think fellow perl enjoyer?

I don't really like lua, it's too bare bone.
Ruby is decent in terms of speed nowadays I think. It has a JIT and all. But his startup time is dog slow. Python is still no great though, and never will be.

It'd be a waste of time. There'd be a big chance people would just ignore it. I think perl already had concurrency anyways.
If the problem is optional types or whichever then make a typescript perl edition.
Or add on to lua. Lua is more hip and newb friendly. The problem with perl is that its pretty hard even nobody wants to admit it.

Look if something like that already exists. Maybe Lua with a PCRE library and some C code could do the trick for you.

raku is the deadest noteworthy language to ever die
there are more people looking forward to perl 7 even though it'll just be a polished 5.x

Yeah but it would be mostly for myself, I would make it for me first. And to be fair it's not my first goal either, it's just that I'm making a language anyway (not perll) and all the tools that go around it, and I think it would be easy to reuse them.
Like if you already have a parser generator, a regex engine, and a garbage collector, it wouldn't be much work really to reuse them into another language.
I really like perl for scripting, but I also really hate all it's deficiencies.

I gave a quick look at LuaJIT recently. it's > 100K LOC. I'd rather start an interpreter from scratch that wasting weeks or months trying to understand a huge and mature code base of a language I don't even like. So...

Buddy no offense but you sound kind of clueless.
Adding something to an existing language is a mile easier than making a language from scratch.

>Look if something like that already exists
I did, but i'm a stuborn motherfucker not satisfied with what already exists.
Like a language tool chain in which you can make a compiler, and a JIT interpreter with a fast startup time for example (for a fast developpement cycle)
No language really has advance code generation features. Macros is the bare minimum, and it should be further improved with Prolog-like fuckery.
There should be no clear separation between the language itself and the compiler tool chain. That way you could choose the exact tradeoff you need, and basically have one language to do everything.
One thing that really annoys me is not being able to precompute things that can be. Like compiling regexes at run time for example. It's ridiculous to recompile them over and over at run time.
Or having your scripting language code dog slow because of the dynamic feature, and because you can't just turn them off lexically. Like switch to early binding, use types, manage memory, etc..

Also, logical programming is ridiculously underused while it could brings languages to the next level. Particularly for the "code" (also AST in general) part.
Too many times, the structure of the code doesn't reflect the logic, but instead is constrained by the optimizations. That's dog shit.
We shouldn't have to choose between an explicit logic and efficiency. That's what macros are for. And also, the programmer should have infinite control over how the code is optimized.

And on and on..

So basically, the main things that digusts me is implicit logic, not being able to go really low level (in a scripting/high level language).
And very poor control over the build, compilation and optimization process. The compilation should be part of the programming. Part of it to have more control over the time/space tradeoff, and part of it because it's crippling to not being able to program your programs (macros in Lisp).

No you're right. What I wanted to say is that it's a waste of time if you are an autist that want something "tailored" to you anyway.

>to ever die
looks like its still being updated

>Particularly for the "code" (also AST in general) part.
"code" generation

Its like lolcode.
It was a funny php parser that someone did and then apparently some autist had the itch to make an entire compiler for it and now nobody uses it.
Its just not a productive use of time. The well known programming languages were at the right place in the right time or backed by corporations.

Any raku user lurking?
How many are you?

I don't think this would be useful the way I use perl. It would no longer be perl. Low level memory management is not needed; want to do anything
regarding bytes, I use C. Types are not needed; if I'm writing a script long enough I want types, it's too long

Here's the thing: a language is supposed to take the burden of making a language away from you. We already have a language that has advanced code generation features: C, which everyone uses to build languages with.

Look at what Jon Blow is doing with Jai. It is essentially what you're describing: barely a language with an extremely complex macro system attached to it. You can make it into "anything". Compilation is built into the code.

So why use it? Assembly and Forth are extremely easy to make into any language you want, because they are much less rigid than C. Very few use them today. You want to use a language that's for the task at hand. I use PHP for html generation; I use Go for web facing services; I use Perl for text manipulation; I use C for byte manipulation. I had a huge document I formatted with Perl, then used Go to create an API to access it, PHP to make a webpage that called that API.

Learn to love different languages ... I used to want one language too, but I've come to see it's not useful. I was using Go to generate webpages/HTML, but realized I was half assed implementing PHP.

Languages that succeed solve a problem; what you're describing is not a problem, what you want is assembly

Thanks for the input man, I appreciate it.
I'm having a bit of a trouble expressing what it should be like, I'm still figuring things out.

Short short version...

>Perl 5 was shit but some faggots liked it
>Perl 6 gets made to make it less shit
>Perl 5 faggots don't like 6 and stick with 5
>Newcomers know Perl 5 was shit so stay away from Perl 6
>Perl 6 is renamed Raku to get away from Perl crappy reputation
>Noone is fooled

Maybe in 20 years gigazoomers hipsters will finally "rediscover" it as the powerful cli tool it is

I can't wait to be paid the big buck in 20 years to maintain an old and essential perl code base. Beats COBOL by a mile.

How to replace a line to in a file in lua
How to replace a line in a file in python
How to replace a line a file in perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
use strict;
use File::Slurp 'edit_file_lines';
my $inFile = shift;

edit_file_lines { m/\>/ && s/(\S+)\s.*/$1/ } $inFile;

I assumed it'd be easier than that in perl desu... Wtf
I thought it'd be built in

Nobody on Any Forums programs in niche languages.