I'm a 26 yr old virgin who wants to know what sex is like and what the touch of a woman feels like...

I'm a 26 yr old virgin who wants to know what sex is like and what the touch of a woman feels like. I'm never going to experience it. So please describe it to me.

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Buy a prostitute, dickhead. Imagine willingly being a virgin in 2022.

user I will have sex with you (I’m a girl)

>I'm never going to experience it.

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Not all sex is created equal. Sex with random people really doesn't do it for me. I have to build up a relationship with someone before there can be real enjoyment in sex. It's called being demisexual. It's held me back on multiple chances to get laid but I could really care less. I like to fuck people I have genuine connections with.

Go larp someone else. Or if you really are a "girl" go take your feminine penis somewhere else faggot.

Firstly, A prostitute, Is just mediocre sex. No love in it. Secondly, Some people are less fortunate than you. not everyone can be a chad.

Thanks for the offer, But I will decline.

I guess that's how I would also have it be.

Where abouts do you live? US? What state?


You have no say on what “mediocre sex” is though lol

But I really am a girl…like with a real vagina that god gave me when I was born. I have boobs too. The kind that can make milk for babies
Aweee why but also ok

Well, It's what I'm told.

sdfsadfgdfgsd, sdfgsdfg.

> asodifasdo iajffd a

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Wouldnt know. Im 23 and i never had sex

Are you one of those of those desperate girls? I once read a greentext of some guy who used to watch incest porn. And his sister found it when he left his computer to prying eyes. And she confronted him, and said, She liked what he liked. Insinuating that she wanted to have incest with him. It was prettty funny.

Why is no one staying on topic. Can't a guy describe what it is like in this thread?

How did you end up in your unfortunate situation?

OP said he wanted to feel a vagina. Not have deep passionate sex. And If you can't save enough money to buy a prostitute, how do you live? How do you pay any bills? I don't have a job, but I can still afford a whore.

I had an obsessive crush in hs, so i never scored then. Stopped talking to friends after graduation. Got kicked out of uni for violence and spent thr following two years being resentful and in therapy. Corona happened, so i stopped going out. I don’t use dating apps and i work at a cemetery.
I use porn habitually.

Touch the inside of your cheek. That's what the vagina (canal) is made of. Imagine putting your peepee in that. It's warm and slimy, and if she really likes you you won't even feel it go in. If you're expecting to maybe have sex, you should stop masturbating temporarily because most guys use the death grip technique for jerking off, and a vagina is the opposite. You will what to do when you get there because everyone is programmed to do it. It gets boring after awhile, which is why people get into fetishes and whatever. Practice sexy consent, make love to the whole person and not just the genitals, take it slow and gentle unless otherwise asked, and wear a fucking condom, the skintight magnums work great. I'm a guy.

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What a fag

Femanon got disc?

Yes everything you said except magnum condoms. Most people don't have magnum sized dicks. Idk if they make ones for average sized dicks tho. I haven't worn a condom for the last 2 chicks I fucked. One of them was a long term gf and the other one we had both got tested a couple weeks prior and she was on birth control.