Right to bear arms? What counts as an arm? Assault rifles did not exist 300 years ago when this document was written...

Right to bear arms? What counts as an arm? Assault rifles did not exist 300 years ago when this document was written. How about suitcase nukes? Should everyone have the right to a suitcase nuke? What about a Gatling gun? If not, then why not? 2nd ammendment makes no distinction on what “arms” they mean. It’s up to us to determine it in the present time, but since it’s impossible to determine (it’s arbitrary) we should just repeal the ammendment entirely.

Look at the girl in my picture. Her blood is on your hands, conservatives and NRA members.

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Arm is an arm

she's 10?

Anyone able to find her tiktok?

For scientific masturbation research.

last i checked, that stupid beaner piece of shit incel, was not a conservative or NRA member. right to bear arms is to defend yourself. unfortunately the democrats dont want to fund school security to protect kids in schools, but they have sent 55 billion to ukraine so they can protects the kids there. so fuck you and your moral outrage!

I'm a gun owner, and I've never hurt anyone (nor do I intend to unless in self-defense).

So I must ask why my right to keep and bear arms should be restricted or taken away because of a few crazy people?

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I wish her blood was on my hands,if you know what i mean.

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Yes to everything you've said. Arms include it all.

>over 200 shootings since the start of the year
>a few crazy people

>unfortunately the democrats dont want to fund school security to protect kids in schools

Yes, because that doesn't work. As it didn't work in this case. The school had security. It was supposed to have locked doors. The security guys didn't help. The doors were unlocked.

Simple solutions for simple minds. Democrats in general have more complex minds suited to today's more complex problems.

Unfortunately, Republicans were best suited to finding carrion to eat, but that one skill has pretty much been obsoleted.

"right to free speech"
Well: movies, radio, television, blogs didn't exist when they wrote that so I guess we need to end that right as well then.


could be 1,000 shootings for all i care. if a nutjob tries any dumb shit, i wont call 911 like a pussy, i call on my 223 or 556, and if im in a good mood, 380 it is.

In the United States, all rights of the government are borrowed from the people. The right of the government to own an apache attack helicopter is dependent on the private citizens' right to own an apache attack helicopter so that the citizens can lend the government that right by consent. Anything that the government can own any of, the citizens can own two of. There's a form to register your personal nuclear warhead, which you are actually allowed to have.

> 10

Nigger. What proof do you have the guards were armed? What proof do you have that armed guards dont help stop shootings?

people also drink and drive daily, the fuck is your point, retard? should we ban all automobiles because of the fuck ups?

Not bullshit. You can see why there's a rise of pedos these days.
> "And when you found him with the five year old, what was he doing?"
> "Motorboating her DD tits."

I know it's wierd as fuck. I didn't see a girl have boobs until I was in 6th grade and she was actually a year ahead of everybody.

Was that even in this country? Looks more like Mexico.

you are an idiot.

Her blood is on a tranny's hands. Conservatives and the NRA did not go in and shoot up the school. the constitution stands for all arms not just guns. Suitcase nukes are illegal dipshit. Gatling guns should be legal just as well as fully automatic guns should be. Appealing an amendment would only mean criminals are getting guns because law abiding citizens would be more likely to turn them in. Gun restriction laws never work you must do the opposite in a country like America that's why the cops in South Africa don't carry around pistols they carry assault rifles by default. The more guns we have the less crime there is.

Same thing

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Attached: tranny amerimutt i cant queef school shooting mexico spic texas.png (1165x699, 791.32K)

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Yes, I want Assault rifles, suitcase nukes, gatling guns, "Tommy" guns, anything and everything I can get my hands on.

>that stupid beaner piece of shit incel
God bless america

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Neither did the computer and internet you're using to exercise your 1st amendment right. Now get off here and go find a quill and parchment to spread your stupidity.

Semi automatic guns existed. Private citizens owned war ships, canons, rifles, etc. Basically anything the military owned, the citizens could own.

Keep crying like a little bitch, You're not taking shit. You're not getting 2/3 of the state to ratify anything. I suggest you look inward to your own party since the majority of mass shooting in the US are caused by minorities. The same people screaming that cops cannot be trusted, while screaming that only cops should have guns.

You're pathetic, you're weak, and in a civil war, you'd be hiding under your goddamn bed like the punk ass loser you are, crying for the cops to save you.

>Right to bear arms?
fuck that i don't want my fucknugget to have arms