The left was right - All Cops Are Bastards

The left was right - All Cops Are Bastards

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I don't know about agreeing that the left is right, but those cops were a bunch of pussy ass bitches and they sat around doing fuck all while kids were getting murdered. They don't deserve their badges or guns. Kick everyone involved off of the force. What a clusterfuck.

this. they knew that it was one guy. they are sworn to serve and protect and they didn’t do that.

They literally aren't sworn to protect and serve.

The police have no obligation to protect you.

Anyone who follows Shaun King is a faggot

Source is sketchy at best
Do we have anything other than a tweet from vanilla flavor Malcom X

Any better source than Talcum X?

Didn't three policemen die,

based and redpilled.

> corn pie

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Can’t believe Talcum-X is still a thing. That “pants up, don’t loot” billboard really triggered him.

No. 19 kids, 2 teachers died.
17 wounded, including at least one cop.

“The City of Uvalde Police Department serves the community by protecting citizens and property, preventing crime, enforcing laws, and maintaining order. The Uvalde Police Department is committed to provide superior police service to the public in order to protect life, property and the freedoms provided by the Constitution.”

>Implying public lip service means anything in actual day to day operations

Their words, nigger. Their words.
Maybe they should replace it with, “We’ll save our kids. Fuck yours.”
Hey, if you can’t do the job, as described, then don’t do the job. Pick strawberries or clean toilets instead. Spics are good at that.

it's a marketing slogan. cops have "no duty to protect" and they along with the courts support have proven that time and time again.

On the left here and never believed all cops are bastards. However, it is supremely fucked up if it is true that cops went into the school to save their own children first.

Their words, nigger. Their words.
They should turn in their badges, resign in shame, and kill themselves.

Dickless losers.

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I would have done the same

What race were the cops?

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Indeed. Multiple court rulings have confirmed: the cop has no constitutional duty or requirement to act even if a crime is happening immediately in front of the cop.

Also: multiple court rulings have confirmed that citizens have no obligation whatsoever to help with a cop investigation. You only need to give ID to a cop if the cop arrests you.

They are sworn in on the day they get a badge, and part of that swearing in is literally to protect and serve the public, retard.