ITT God tier movies

ITT God tier movies
I'll morb.

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>God tier

excuse me while i fart

Then why are you here?


Bait so obvious it isnt even funny, its just lazy

Rotten Tomatoes Scores - Currently
Pro critics - 17%
Audience - 71%

Wow, that is a big fucking difference. I hope the pro critics don't have an agenda here.

Looks like I will have to see this move now. Its above my personal threshold of 65% audience score.

>excuse me while i fart
Better movie than Morbius


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Fuck off, Leto. You're finished

When he yelled IT'S MORBIN' TIME in the final scene, I stood out of my seat and cried and applauded

Dark Knight Rises

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Friday, May 27th Wordle solution is TIARA

it's morbin' time

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Bury him bury him you are finished with him

Finished? I'm just getting started!

Now, get over here so I can drink you blood and fart in your face.

1 morbillion tickets

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Friday 13th

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Now that's one bad mutha fucka.

>asuming morbius has anything to do with redditards
Morb yourself

yeah but it has a nigger in it
i call woke

You are truly a braindead monkey

I’m a fan of the blow me sandwich series

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