This guy pays your gf 1k to shoot a movie with him

>this guy pays your gf 1k to shoot a movie with him
What do you do?

Attached: gspot-92385743249034.png (833x662, 171.57K)

Have her buy me a PS5 and then break up with her

What's the point of breaking up with her?

Jealousy I guess

Holy shit, is $1000 a lot of money to you fags?
You all should have studied harder.
I'm a web dev, the wife's a doctor, combined we make 6k a week.

>combined we make 6k a week.
BAHAHHAAHAH, when your wife makes big money but you still want to be included

Seriously, though, what is this image even?

This is the first year she's made more than me, and she's been a doctor for 6 years. I make 133k, hbu?

1k is not a lot of money, especially in 3rd world dollars

133k as a web dev? Where are you from? What language(s) specifically?
Why do you even ask what I make?

Philly. C#, cXML, javascript, visual basic, a few others here and there. I ask because you implied I didn't make big money but I think I probably make more than you. But maybe not, I don't know, that's why I'm asking.

My "paycheck" has anything to do with your paycheck being big or small?
Well, you know what, sure.
I make a couple thousand per week as well, but it comes in waves and sometimes comes as tens of thousands per day. It varies.
~1k per month last 10 years
~1k per week last year
~1k per day last few months

Can't really tell how it works and why my income is growing so rapidly. It can't keep growing as well by the way. It'll all probably end with my death anyway.

>live in a crime riddled shithole
You lost.

Is it an action movie? Or like some M.Night Shyamalan movie with a twist?

It's a romcom but with more sex and less comedy/romance.

Lol, I work from home, dummy. Web dev. I live in a rich suburb. You sound jealous.

What job has an income that swings from $12k to $360k in two years?

Fucking your mother.

So, bullshitting, then?

How about you shut your fucking mouth.
